Hmmm …
Well, there we go …
I think at last, I’ve managed to post up one of my longest posts, yet!
Here, this one, about format shifting.
I’m just hoping it gets read.
Or at least, look at.
I’m just hoping I’ve not managed to bore the rocks off people … !
Lets get moving on, shall we?
Yes, lets … !
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome — putting in her answers: managing to bag six out of seven. (Granted, the Great Star’s made out of the largest chunk of the Cullinan*, Debbi, but … !)
Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 10th November, 1775, saw the founding of which part of the US armed forces: the Marine Corp, the Army or the USAF … ?Q2) 10th November, 2007, saw the ¿Por qué no te callas? incident take place: when King Juan Carlos I of Spain tell who to shut up … ?Q3) 10th November, 1960, saw the first Penguin edition of what, completely sell out … ?Q4) More to the point, how much did that edition cost?Q5) 10 November, 1970, saw the Soviet Union launch the Lunokhod 1: where was this Rover going … ?Q6) And finally … 10th November, 1674, saw the Netherlands cede the New Netherlands to England: how is that colony’s most famous city know better known … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 9th November, 1620, saw pilgrims on which ship, sight land … ?A1) The Mayflower.Q2) More to the point, where WAS that land … ?A2) Cape Cod, in Massachusetts.Q3) 9th November, 1970, saw the death of former French President, Charles de Gaulle: where did he led Free French Forces from, during World War Two?A3) London.Q4) 9th November saw the end of the German monarchy, when Wilhelm 2nd was dethroned: in which year … ?A4) 1918.Q5) 9th November, 1906, saw who become the first sitting US president to visit a foreign country?A5) President Theodore Roosevelt.Q6) More to the point, what was he visiting … ?A6) The Panama Canal.Q7) And finally … 9th November, 1906, saw Edward 7th given what shiny, South African, object for his birthday … ?A7) The Cullinan Diamond.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll leave you with a tune …
* Apparently, there’s still arguments about the chap who broke the Cullinan into the gemstones: no-one’s sure if he fainted or opened a bottle of Champagne, as a result. (Oh … And apparently, the various gems that were taken from the Cullinan AREN’T cursed or haunted. NOR do they have a history of messy murders trailing them. Which is one less thing to worry about … )
I thought your post about formatting and upgrading was interesting. These issues may be of interest to writers, because of ebooks and the possibility of including video in them in the future. I may include a link to the post on one of my other blogs, Writing for Hire, since it's so technical. You may pick up a few readers. Who knows? :)
1. the Marine Corps
2. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
3. Lady Chatterley's Lover
4. 3s 6d according to this source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/november/10/newsid_2965000/2965194.stm
5. the moon
6. New York City
Cheers,Debbi, that’s appreciated!
Especially when so many people find it an intimidating subject!
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