Oooh, but I could strangle a goat, I really could … !
I’ll be frank … ?
My copy of Safari’s been having an off day, again … !
I’ve just had a fruitful hour — HOUR — swearing at it!
If it WASN’T for the fact it’s usually the best browser I have for interacting with the regular sites I visit?
I’d’ve probably switched to Chrome, a while ago.
Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?
Before I start SERIOUS whining … !
Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Mr Strict and Debbi putting in their answers. With Mr S bagging 6 out of 6, and Debbi scoring 5, it ALSO saw both mentioning a post I’d put up about The Midnight Meat Trainª, AND saw yours truly now becoming a Blog Of Note*º … !
Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 3rd November, 1783, saw John Austin become the last person to be public hanged at Tyburn Gallows: Tyburn Gallows were on a spot that’s now a junction between Oxford Street … and what road … ?Q2) 3rd November, 2004, saw who win their second term as US president … ?Q3) 3rd November, 1975, saw the Queen formally open the UK’s first oil pipeline: those pipelines reach shore in which country of the UK … ?Q4) 3rd November, 1957, saw the USSR launch the first animal into space: the dog had the name, Laika, which literally means what … ?Q5) More to the point … what was the name of the probe Laika was on … ?Q6) And finally … 3rd november, 1985, saw two French secret agents plead guilty to the bombing of which boat … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd November, 1959, saw the first opening of the M1, in Britain: name the cities at either the beginning or end of the M1’s route.A1) London and Leeds.Q2) 2nd November, 1930, saw Haile Salassie crowned as Emperor of Ethiopia: what name and title did he use as Crown Prince … ?A2) Ras Tafari Makonnen. (With Ras — or ‘head‘ — being roughly equivalent to a duke.)Q3) 2nd November, 1913, saw the birth of Burt Lancaster: in which 1986 film did he appear opposite Kirk Douglas … ?A3) Tough Guys.Q4) More to the point … The Red Chilli Peppers included which otherwise never released song on that film … ?A4) Set It Straight.Q5) 2nd November, 1936, saw who announce the Rome-Berlin Axis … ?A5) Benito Mussolini.Q6) And finally … How many days — in a non-leap year — are left until the end of the year … ?A6) Fifty-nine. (59)
Enjoy those, everyone.
I’ll leave you with a Cocteau Twins number that’s been floating a round my head, for a decade or two …
* I’ll try and get that emailed over, as soon as, Debbi!
º Oh, Debbi … Remember mentioning a certain Mr Barry … ? Check the soundtrack to todays Teaser video out: you DO know it’s the anniversary of his birth … ?
ª OK, Derek, granted the ending’s a touch obvious … but that’s half the fun, surely … ?
1. hahaha. Who knows, but it should be called "High Street"
2. Ah, this is one is easy - that horrible, terrible, no good president who should have stayed home with his coke stash - George W. Bush
3. The choices are few as you all live in what we call an "island." So Scotland it must be.
4. Hm, well those silly Russkies are fond of diminuitives. It's a breed of husky, but in this case means, "curse you, you stupid little barker." Or is that what I say to my son's dachshund?
5. Probably Sputnik, 'cause they're all named that, but I'd hate to deal with anything called a Probe. Hello doctor!
6. Hmm, it was probably a GreenPeace boat. It's name was probably Sprouts, or Hairy Armpits.
Well, I'll be. I didn't know that. Happy birthday, John Barry! It's still his birthday here. :)
1. Park Lane
2. George W. Bush (much to my dismay)
3. Scotland
4. Barker
5. Sputnik 2
6. The Rainbow Warrior
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