Whoah … !
Hang on …
Look’s like Blogger’s just changed colours.
Or, at least, it’s just changed the colour of the border around the form we write a post into: the bit with all the various word-processing buttons on, in other words.
It’s a rather nice duck-egg blue.
Which does make a change, if nothing else.
And for a nice bit of contrast, as well.
The beige shading that Blogger had been using is — or was — nice.
But could be hard to distinguish, on a dark day.
Lets get moving on, shall we … ?
BEFORE I go all Sesame Street*, and start telling you about the colour blue, and the number seven …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome, bless her — putting in her answers. And — along with giving peace a chanceª — also managed to bag 4 out of five.
Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 16th November, 1938, saw Swiss chemist, Dr Albert Hofman, synthesise … what … ?Q2) 16th November, 2000, saw whom become the first US president to visit Vietnam, since the Vietnam war …?Q3) 16th November, 1857, saw the Second Relief of Lucknow, the battle that saw the most VC’s handed out in a single day: what does VC stand for … ?Q4) More to the point, how many were handed out … ?Q5) 16th November, 1979, saw the first line opened on the Bucharest Metro: how many stations are on the Bucharest Metro network … ?Q6) And finally … 16th November, 1914, saw the opening of the US Federal Reserve Bank: how many Federal Reserve districts does it operate?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 15th November, 1971, saw Intel release their first, the 4004 microprocessor: which spacecraft was the chip — according to chip designer legend — was the 4004 used in … ?A1) The Pioneer 10.Q2) 15th November, 1985, saw the signing of the Anglo-Irish Agreement: name either of the Prime Ministers involved with signing it … ?A2) British PM, Margaret Thatcher and Irish Prime Minister Garret FitzGerald.Q3) 15th November, 1940, saw the Luftwaffe bomb Coventry: Coventry’s cathedral — largely destroyed in that attack — was dedicated to which saint … ?A3) Saint Michæl the Archangel.Q4) 15th November, 1937, saw the birth of actor, Yaphet Kotto: in which film did he play Chief Engineer Parker … ?A4) Alien.Q5) And finally … 15th November, 1920, saw the first General Assembly meeting of the League of Nations: in which city … ?A5) Geneva, in Switzerland.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll leave you with the Canned Heat tune that’s been squatting in my head since I got up …
* Pointless trivia for my American readers, here: the BBC refused point blank to show Sesame Street, as it felt there was plenty of equivalent programming, here in the UK: quite a bit produced by the BBC, itself. And then there were language issues. Like the letter ‘z’.
ª Hmm … Debbi, is there some form of, oh, I don’t know, some form of Indie authors combine … ? Strikes me that something like that could be helpful …
1) Well, lysergic acid diethylamide, more widely known as LSD...
2) I believe that was Bill Clinton...
3) The Victoria Cross
4) 24
5) 51
6) 12
Yay, I did it again! :) It's a bit annoying not to be able to do the teasers every day, but what can you do... Xmas is coming and us elves need to keep busy... :)
Actually, indie authors have been known to do quite a bit of cross-promoting. I think your idea is interesting. However, organizing it would be kind of like herding cats, I think. :)
And authors can always form partnerships. However, they'd have to be really big to match you-know-who. ;)
Well, no one said this would be easy, right? :)
1. LSD
2. Bill Clinton
3. Victoria Cross
4. 24
5. 51
6. 12
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