
Monday 28 November 2011

The Daily Teaser — 28-11-2011

There we go.

And I’ll be frank, I just couldn’t resist putting up this photo of my nephew, Jude.

Looking as innocent as ANYTHING, I should add, despite — yesterday — having learnt a new game.

Of Let’s Try To Stick This Fridge Magnet To Uncle Paul’s Forehead*.

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, let’s.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting her answers: and, along with putting in this post on how to deal with Blue and Red Meaniesª, also bagging 6 out of 6.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 28th November, 1095, saw Pope Urban 2nd formally name the leaders of what: the First Crusade, the Jesuits, or the Franciscan order … ?

Q2) 28th November saw 11 people attacked by a mentally ill young man in a church in Croydon: but in which year of the 1990s … ?

Q3) 28th November, 1660, saw the founding of the Royal Society: what’s its full name … ?

Q4) More to the point, how was it known, before it was founded … ?

Q5) 28th November saw the first broadcasts of what’s now the Grand Ole Opry: in which US city …?

Q6) And finally … 28th November, 1814, saw which British paper become the first to be printed by automatic presses?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 27th November, 176AD, saw Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius give his son which rank … ?
A1) Imperator.

Q2) More to the point, which son … ?
A2) Commodus.

Q3) 27th November, 2005, saw the first performance of what kind of transplant, in Amiens, France … ?
A3) Partial face transplant.

Q4) 27th November, 1978, saw the founding of the militant PKK: or Kurdish Workers Party. In which country … ?
A4) Turkey.

Q5) 27th November, 1940, saw the birth of Bruce Lee: what name was he born under … ?
A5) Lee Jun-fan. (Or 李振藩, if you’re up to Cantonese … without a safety net … )

Q6) And finally … 27th November, 1942, saw the birth of Jimi Hendrix: what was his first UK hit … ?
A6) Hey Joe.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !

* First sign of an enquiring mind, I think: Jude’s clicked that fridge magnets stick to things. Heº spent most of yesterday — at the weekly family dinner — trying to stick a Jeep-shaped fridge-magnet to my forehead … and doors … and door-jambs …

º He knows it sticks to fridges, already: that’s were he pulled it from …

ª Oh, I know it, Debbi, I’m not THAT young: but I only Yellow Submarine through TV repeats, when I was about 12. So it’s been YEARS, since I’ve seen it: probably be worth looking it up!
And you’re now on YouTube … ? What was the name of that colloquium, again … ? :D

1 comment:

  1. Well, guess what. I posted the colloquium video on my blog. Of course. With a few other videos. Ahem! ;)

    1. the First Crusade
    2. 1998 (a total guess!)
    3. The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge
    4. the Invisible College
    5. Nashville, Tenn.
    6. The Times of London


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