
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Cowboys and Aliens: Entertaining Hokum, Take Two

Wowsa … !

Now, I know what Grub’s and Kevin D are going to say.

That I’m WAY too easily impressed.

They’re — possibly — right.

But right at the moment … ?

I’m really not TOO worried.

You see, I’ve just had a quiet night to meself, to catch the Jon Favreau directed, recent DVD release, Cowboys and Aliens, and I’m DECIDEDLY impressed.


No, seriously … !

The 2011 Cowboys and Aliens sees Daniel Craig as the initially unnamed Jake Lonergan, waking up in the middle of the Arizona badlands: with no memory of why, and a strange metal band tightly bound to his wrist.

And, not long after seeing off some bandits? Events see Jake arriving at the small town of Absolution: a town dominated by the paid hands of cattleman, Woodrow Dolerhyde — Harrison Ford — and helping to see off kidnappings committed by SOMETHING tht pays a violent visit in the night …

Given this film’s title … ?

I shouldn’t have to tell you exactly WHAT those visitors, are, now, DO I … ?


At any rate, I was burbling on about being impressed by Cowboys and Aliens?

Yes, I’m certainly that … !

And while I am thinking it’s complete hokum — actually, make that complete and utter hokum, with possibly a dash or two of total piffle thrown in for good measure — Cowboys and Aliens is also a pretty entertaining piece of movie, at that.

Certainly more entertaining than the LAST film I called hokum … !

Personally … ?

Personally, I’m going to leave you with the trailer …

AND the proverbial stars on the doors.

And what’s more … ?

Thoroughly recommend Cowboys and Aliens to you. Trust me, it’s a lot more serious than the title implies …
Cowboys and Aliens

1 comment:

  1. I actually thought about this movie when I was reconsidering the title of my next book. My book is nothing like this. :) No cowboys or aliens. Well, no aliens from space, anyway.


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