
Monday, 2 January 2012

The Daily Teaser: 2-1-12

Yep, I’ll be frank: Jude’s decided to say ‘Hello’, again!

I’ve got to admit, at the weekly family get-together, yesterday … ?

I think I managed to surprise him. By showing him how to use the light-switch in the bathroom, at bath-time.

You should have seen his face! Sheer excited surprise, especially when I put the light-switch in his hands, so he could have a go himself.

Let’s leave that there, shall we … ?

Before I start to sound really soppy, telling you about what he thought you could do with my phone …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Trev-v and Debbi putting in their answers: with Trevor* bagging 9 out of 9, and Debbi bagging scoring 8º.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video
Q1) 2nd January, 1969, saw which Australian gain a foothold in Fleet Street … ?

Q2) More to the point, by taking over which group of newspapers?

Q3) 2nd January, 1920, saw the birth of science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov: who famously studied what at college?

Q4) More to the point, which of his short stories is considered to be one of the best science fiction stories every written … ?

Q5) 2nd January is Berchtoldstag, or Berchtold’s Day, in Switzerland, the Alsace … and which small European country: Vatican City, Luxembourg or Liechtenstein … ?

Q6) 2nd January, 1980, saw Britain’s what go on strike: steel-workers, dockers or merchant seamen … ?

Q7) And finally … 2nd January, 1927, saw Catholic rebels in which Central American country revolt … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st January became the start of the New year in the UK and its colonies, when: 1752, 1753 or 1754 … ?
A1) 1752.

Q2) Nowruz is New Year’s Day in which ancient calendar: Iranian, Sumerian or Mesopotamian?
A2) Iranian.

Q3) The Julian calendar was introduced on 1st January, 45BC, by Julius Caesar: in which Roman year … ?
A3) 709 Anno Urbis Conditae.

Q4) The Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian calendar: which Pope devised the Gregorian calendar?
A4) Pope Gregory 13th.

Q5) As it’s New Year’s Day: is 2012 a Leap Year?
A5) Yes.

Q6) 1st January, 2011 saw which former Soviet State adopt the Euro … ?
A6) Estonia. (Which is possibly looks bad, with hindsight …)

Q7) 1st January, 1806, saw the abolition of which calendar … ?
A7) The French Revolutionary calendar.

Q8) 1st January, 2011, saw who step down as Governor of California … ?
A8) Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Q9) And finally … 1st January, 1985, saw Britain’s first mobile phone call made, by comedian Ernie Wise: what’s the name of the mobile phone company that call was made on … ?
A9) Vodaphone.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

* Trevor’s the original Big Beast, so you know, Debbi.

º It’s was the Roman year, Debbi: although, technically … ? 45BCE is when 709AUC actually happened


  1. Q1 Rupert Murdock
    Q2 News of the World newspaper group.
    Q3 Seth Low Junior College and then to Columbia University
    Q4 Nightfall
    Q5 Liechtenstein
    Q6 steel-workers (I come from a steel town)
    Q7 Mexico


    If you believe everything you read, better not read. – Japanese proverb.

    There is not any memory with less satisfaction than the memory of some temptation we resisted. - James Branch Cabell

  2. Yeah, I was having a tough time converting or otherwise figuring out the whole Roman calendar year thing. And I'm not a cheater. :)

    1. Rupert Murdock
    2. News of the World
    3. Seth Low Junior College, then Columbia University
    4. Nightfall
    5. Liechtenstein
    6. steel-workers
    7. the Cristero War or the Cristiada in Mexico


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