
Tuesday 3 January 2012

The Daily Teaser: 3-1-12

Hmmm …

That sound’s … ominous …

I’ve GOT to admit, I’m happily sitting here, typing merrily away.

Whilst the wind is happily blowing past my flat like a howling …

Actually, yeah …

Just like a howling what-have-you.

Any word immediately after ‘howling’ really isn’t going to be good, is it?

Whether it’s ‘baby’, ‘wolves’ or ‘wind’.

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I throw in the word ‘politician’ …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Trevor putting in their answers: with Debbi putting in this post*, and Trevor quoting James Cabell and an old Japanese proverb, it also saw them both scoring 6 out of 7º.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 3rd January, 1959, saw what admitted as the 49th State of the USA … ?

Q2) More to the point … how much did that state cost — per acre — when originally purchased … ?

Q3) 3rd January, 1870, saw construction start on which bridge … ?

Q4) 3rd January, 1977, saw which technology company incorporated … ?

Q5) 3rd January, 1971, saw the first broadcasts of Britain’s Open University: in which English town is its administrative body … ?

Q6) And finally … 3rd January, 1993, saw the USA and the Russian Federation agree to cut their … what … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd January, 1969, saw which Australian gain a foothold in Fleet Street … ?
A1) Rupert Murdoch.

Q2) More to the point, by taking over which group of newspapers?
A2) The News of the World Group.

Q3) 2nd January, 1920, saw the birth of science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov: who famously studied what at college?
A3) Biochemistry.

Q4) More to the point, which of his short stories is considered to be one of the best science fiction stories every written … ?
A4) Nightfall.

Q5) 2nd January is Berchtoldstag, or Berchtold’s Day, in Switzerland, the Alsace … and which small European country: Vatican City, Luxembourg or Liechtenstein … ?
A5) Liechtenstein.

Q6) 2nd January, 1980, saw Britain’s what go on strike: steel-workers, dockers or merchant seamen … ?
A6) Steel-workers.

Q7) And finally … 2nd January, 1927, saw Catholic rebels in which Central American country revolt … ?
A7) Mexico.
Enjoy those, everyone: as it’s Maxene Andrews’ birthday, I’ll leave you with a tune …

* Actually, Debbi, did you catch my comment, at the end, there … ? Both musicians being left-handed … ? That’s unusual, certainly …

º OK, I grant I could’ve phrased yesterday’s second question a touch better, but even so …


  1. Q1 Alaska
    Q2.2 cents
    Q3 Brooklyn Bridge
    Q4 Apple Computer, Inc – which stole the name of a Beatles company.
    Q5 The town of 1000 roundabouts – Milton Keynes
    Q6 Strategic arms by banning multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV)s.


    “Society, my dear, is like salt water, good to swim in but hard to swallow.” – Arthur Stringer

    To-days word is Fetor (Approximately 1487; from Middle English, 'fetoure'; from Latin, 'fetor,' from 'fetere': to stink.)

  2. Oi! I can't believe I misread the third question. LOL

    Yes, I saw your comment about the left-handedness, but I couldn't reply, so I left another comment. :)

    1. Alaska
    2. about 2 cents per acre
    3. Brooklyn Bridge
    4. Apple Computer Inc., now known as Apple Inc.
    5. Milton Keynes
    6. their strategic nuclear warheads


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