
Thursday 13 April 2017

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Phew … !

13th April, 2017.

You know, I try not to regret things.


Regret is something I try and avoid.

I’d fair rather learn from my mistakes, make amends, and my apologies, where I can … 

And move on.

I’d far rather do something, than sit around regretting.

There’s one regret I’ve got at the moment, though.

I’ve had today off.

And, as I’ve done for the past few weeks?

I’ve caught a film.

Yes, Phew is appropriate.

And yes … 

So is regret … 


Set in the years between Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and the original Star WarsRogue One: A Star Wars Story opens: showing us a little girl fleeing from where her father, Galen Urso (Mads Mikkelson) is being confronted by Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn).

A confrontation that sees her mother, Lyra, being killed in the process.

Many years later?

The now grown Jyn Urso (Felicity Jones) is in Imperial custody for various crimes.

Until she’s rescued by a small group of Rebels soldiers led by Captain Cassian Andor (Diego Luna.)

The rebels have worked out Galen is still alive, and looking to pass plans of the Empire’s new super weapon over.

But to the one person he think would be capable of retrieving them from the Imperial archive where they’re located.

His daughter, Jyn … 


Now … 

Phew … 

And regrets?

Yes, phew.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is one impressively HUGE piece of works.

Ranging from opening scenes — with a splinter Faction of rebels led by Saw Gerrera, played by Forest Whitaker — reminding me of Dune Messiah, to a stunning battling climax where the two central characters, who’ve gained our sympathies over the course, met a tragic death: with only the knowledge they’ve completed their mission and got the plans to the Death Star out, their only comfort.

About my only complaint?

My only complaint is relatively minor.

The motion capture work the film’s directors have done, to make it seem as if the late Peter Cushing truly has come back from the dead, to reprise his role of Governor Tarkin*?

Is visually stunning.   But not quite so, in terms of audio.   I don’t think they’ve got the voice quite right: as if the actor providing the voice is a light baritone, compared to Cushing’s light tenor.

But that is — quite literally — my only complaint.

Beyond that?

Is regret.

My TV is a 22” set: is fine for my day-today TV needs, and the few films I watch.

It can even record stuff, should I need it too.

My big regret?

Is the one film I would want a bigger set for?

Is this one.

Is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Go watch it folks: on the biggest screen you can.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

*        I know his motion capture revival has been much discussed since Rogue One’s release: with — by the sound of it — as many for, as against.   I’m told that the late actor’s family were consulted about the process: and gave their agreement.   That’s good enough for me.   I do think, though, that Rogue One will have as much of an effect on the industry as the creation of the home video market.   The release of video tape machines for the home, and the home rental market?   Saw many actors suddenly realise they were missing on earnings: as their existing contracts meant they weren’t getting paid for each copy of a film sold.   Reappearing in a film after your death?   I believe will have a similar effects.

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