
Monday 6 November 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th November, 2017

Bleugh … 

I am officially knackered: and thinking that today — a day off — I’m not going to be writing Teasers, doing laundry, buying milk and bread, or house keeping.

No, what I want to do is head back to bed!

We’ll see.


On other fronts?

I’m very aware there’s scandal brewing at Westminster: a lot of it quite serious, sexual scandal.

One thing that did catch my eye, though?   (And I’ll admit, it’s a minor thing, compared to some of the allegations doing the rounds.)

Damian Green, MP, has been accused of having pornography on his parliamentary computer.

Some he strenuously denies.

I have to admit to having a question.

I’ve got no particular problem using porn: nor to others doing the same, so long as it’s not child porn.   So long as we realise what’s on screen is a fantasy, we’re ok, I think.

But the question I’ve got?

I’m sure, you, like me, wouldn’t think of accessing adult material at work.

Indeed, most of us can’t.

From what I’ve seen, half of a given IT department’s job involves blocking sites an employer doesn’t want it’s employees to view.

Fair enough: we’re there to work, not — ahem — enjoy ourselves.

What I have to ask is simply this.

If Damian Green had porn on his parliamentary/works computer?

Why wasn’t it blocked by Parliament’s IT department?

Damian Green shouldn’t have been able to access from work, in the first place.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s Teaser, shall we?

Here it is, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Who was elected as the 16th President of the USA: on 6th November,  1860?
Q2) 6th November, 1528, saw the shipwrecked explorer, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, become the first explorer to set foot, where: Florida, Texas or Louisiana?
Q3) In a referendum on 6th November, 1999, Australia voted to retain the head of the Commonwealth as their head of state.   Who is Australia’s head of state?
Q4) An Anglo-French force took control of the Suez Canal: on 6th November, 1956.   The Canal goes through which country?
Q5) Finally … ?   Actor, Nigel Havers, was born on 6th November, 1951.   In which Steven Spielberg film does Havers play Dr Rawlins?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 5th November is Guy Fawkes Night: marking the night in 1605 when plotters tried blowing up the House of Commons.   The plot is ALSO known as what G plot?
A1) The Gunpowder plot.
Q2) It’s also know as the Catesby Plot, after its leader.   What was his first name?
A2) Robert.
Q3) Catesby was exhumed, after death, and had his head put on a spike.   ‘Exhumed’ means he was dug out of his burial plot.   In other words, out of his … what?
A3) Grave.
Q4) A plotter is what kind of computer peripheral?
A4) A printer.
Q5) A fishy plot device that throws you off the scent, is a red what?
A5) A red herring.
Q6) On a similar line?   A story that goes in an unexpected direction, is said to have a plot … what?
A6) Twist.
Q7) What C is ALSO a plot?
A7) A conspiracy.
Q8) The 20th July Plot had Claus von Stauffenberg at its heart.   In an attempt to assassinate whom?
Q9) The Ridolfi Plot, the Throckmorton Plot and the Babington Plot, were plans to assassinate, kill or replace which Queen?
A9) Elizabeth 1st.   The various Wikipedia entries can be found here, here and here.
Q10) Finally … The Gunpowder Plot was trying to blow up which king?
Here’s a thought …
“God, yeah, I’m good at playing the emotionally strangled person. The woman who is in the worst place in her life. That’s me!”
Thandiwe Newton, 6 November 1972.
And a tune … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think I’ve seen ads for I Know Who You Are float past occasionally, Olga.   And have a confession: I’ve never actually sat down with some of the Beeb’s foreign language output!   I should, some day!   It sounds like they’ve come up with the Spanish language equivalent of Nordic Noir!   Depends on when your mother’s here, Olga: the first episode was aired on Saturday, and is on the iPlayer for twenty-eight days.   Unlike Class, which has been there for a year.   Make of that what you will!   (The grave question was one of those tricky to word.   ¿What can I tell you?)

†        Oh, I don’t know, Debbi: I think he like a good movie as much as any writer: I just don’t think he took to the McGann movie.   At least I think he was talking about the McGann one, rather than the Cushing films.   Plus, the whole situation with Mort definitely left him a bit … you know … exasperated … 


  1. Q1) Abraham Lincoln
    Q2) Texas
    Q3) Elizabeth II
    Q4) Egypt
    Q5) Empire of the Sun

    She gets here on the 27th, so we might run out of time to watch them all. I will probably try and keep watching them when I have time. There is only the one series, at least so far, but it seems the BBC randomly decided to split it up into two.
    I have watched quite a few of the foreign series the BBC has shown over the years. Some of them are very good. The Killing, The Bridge, Wallander are all pretty good (well, Wallander there were several seasons with different actors, and I preferred one of the actors to the other), also a French series called Engranage in French (I can't remember what it was called here). I watched a couple of films though Amazon recently. One called Lion (with Dev Patel) a wonderful story and a BBC film about the Chaos Theory (The Secret Life of Chaos). Impressive. Have a good rest.

  2. Yes, that's what I was thinking of, actually. :)

    1. Abraham Lincoln
    2. Texas
    3. Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia
    4. Egypt
    5. Empire of the Sun


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