
Wednesday 6 December 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th December, 2017

Oh, well, that’s that done with.

We had a power cut, yesterday afternoon.

One that only affected me, the flat next door, and one of the flats upstairs.

Which finally got sorted out, at half past five.

Something to do with the phases involved.

Apparently … !

At any rate … ?

I’m glad it’s now sorted.

But, lordy, it did hold up the day … 


At ANY rate … ?

At any rate, today, I’m back at work for the next few days.

 But ALSO have to get to hospital: for some blood tests at 11:40.


Hopefully, those will go nicely and quickly.

I’d hate to be late for work.


Let’s move on shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 6th December, 2015, saw elections held in which South American country?
Q2) 6th December, 1648, saw Colonel Thomas Pride purge parliament: of MPs who supported whom: King Charles 1st, Oliver Cromwell or Arsenal FC?
Q3) Finland marks its independence: on 6th December.   From where?
Q4) Killer fog spread across the UK: on 6th December, 1962.   During this period, Leeds saw high levels of which chemical?
Q5) Finally … the USA ratified the 13th Amendment to the constitution: on 6th December, 1865.   What did it ban: alcohol sales, slavery or sexual discrimination?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 5th December is the (very unofficial) Day of the Ninja.   Ninja, themselves, came from which Asian country?
A1) Japan.
Q2) 5th December, 2016, saw the death of Indian politician, Jayalalithaa.   She’d spent many years as Chief Minister of which Indian state: Goa, Utter Pradesh or Tamil Nadu?
A2) Tamil Nadu.
Q3) President James Polk made an announcement to Congress: on 5th December, 1848.   He announce that what had been found in California?
A3) Gold.
Q4) The capital of North Korea was captured by Chinese troops: on 5th December, 1950.   What’s that capital called?
A4) Pyongyang.   You can read about it, here.
Q5) 5th December, 1936, saw the USSR introduce its constitution.   It’s ALSO known as the what constitution?
A5) The Stalin constitution.
Here’s a thought …
“The spiritual life is not a special career, involving abstraction from the world of things.”
Evelyn Underhill, 6 December 1875 – 15 June 1941.
And a song … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a nice day.

*        I’m more worried about the trains, Olga, but I take you point: hopefully, the UK will be prepared for the chill.   For once!   Oh … The thing I forgot to mention about gold‡, yesterday?   It’s conductive, ductile … and you can sing about it … 

†        It’s still not shown, over here, Debbi: it’s not on iTunes, I know that … !   (I might just have to make do with Shada: as and when Santa turns up …)

‡        Dwarves don’t love gold.   They just say that, to get it into bed …

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