
Wednesday 20 December 2017

The (purely optional) Liebster Award, 2017

20th December, 2017.

OK … there’s possibly things I could be doing … 

Possibly relaxing, possibly not.

And possibly better — or worse — than things I’ve done.

No, I’m not talking about some of them.

The good stuff involved one or two other people.

The bad stuff … ?

Just involved me making a twit of myself.

At ANY rate … ?

The possible things … ?

Include watching a movie.

Maybe a TV box set: I still have a handful to start.

Teaser videos are something I’ve enough of, to be going on with.

Until, of course, the thought occurred.

Old friend, and Daily Teaser regular, Debbi Mack, decided I was worth a gong.

OK, the Liebsters are VERY unofficial gongs: for bloggers, by bloggers.

But, hey … 

How could I NOT thank the Old Peculiar’s longest running commenter, by accepting?   And taking part … ?

Hmm … ?



The rules: as passed to me, by Ms Mack …
  • It is up to you whether you accept the award or not.
  • If you choose to accept, you must:
  • Write a blog post about the award;
  • Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog in your post;
  • Provide 10 facts about yourself;
  • Nominate 5 – 12 new bloggers (let them know they have been nominated)
  • Answer the list of questions provided to you by the person who nominated you for the award;
  • Make a new set of questions for your nominees!
  • AND
  • Include these rules in your blog post and provide links to all who you have nominated.
  • Which seems clear enough.

    My ten facts?

    Hmmm …
    • I’m a Dr Who fan: not a Whovian, thank you!
    • I’ve seen Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts, live: they are one of the bands to see live.
    • I listen to the Today program on Radio 4.
    • I’m 5’2”.
    • I weigh way to much for my own good.
    • I’m left handed: and think not enough shops that sell left handed scissors or mice.
    • I’m a Macintosh fan: and want a fourth one!
    • I’m easily distracted: as I’m sure my supervisor, at work, will tell you!
    • I have all of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels.
    • I’ve work in Chelmsford.
    OK … 

    My nominations … ?

    Are, in no particular order …
    Now … the questions Debbi asked?
    1. Why do you blog?

    2. What do you like most about blogging?
    3. What do you like least about blogging?

    4. What do you feel is your best accomplishment as a blogger?

    5. Do you consider blogging a hobby, a marketing tool, or a way to make a living?
    6. What’s your favourite movie?

    7. What book have you read recently that you consider awesome?
    Hmm …
    • I blog … partly as a habit: the first thing I do in the morning is post the Daily Teaser.   But I ALSO blog because it gives me a shape to my day.   It’s also a way for me to express my opinion: about what’s going on in the world, or my street, and the TV shows and movies I’ve watched.
    • What do I like most about blogging?   Again, I have a chance to express my opinion: I feel online platforms — blogs, Twitter, Facebook, what-have-you — are the great democratisers of our modern world.   Even if those views — like those of ISIS and Britain First — are not those We went expressed.
    • What do I like least about blogging?   Phew … !   The two things that can be chores?   Firstly?   Never being sure if I’m being read, for one thing.   Frankly, I’m grate to both Debbi and Olga, my two regulars, who’ve been persistently commenting on the Teaser for some time.   Secondly?   The sheer amount of work involved: if I’d known that, before I started … I’d possibly have given up … 
    • My best accomplishment?   Well, I could say getting my quizzes published in the Brentwood Gazette.   But feel that ignores the bigger thing.   The fact 2017 marks Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar’s ninth year*.   A few of my friends have tried blogging … but couldn’t keep up … 
    • Hobby, marketing tool or living?   Hmmm … Well, I started Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar as a half baked marketing tool: I ran pub quizzes, back then, and found a post quiz match report a handy way of advertising.   And a handy way of handing out my used quiz sets: you could never get enough free online questions, back then.   Now, though?   Now, though, it’s more of a hobby: although, if I make any money from wither the advertising or the PayPal Donate button, that would be nice and an added bonus.   It’s ALSO a handy for advertising a couple of fellow bloggers, And writers: both Debbi and Olga are published writers.
    • Favourite movie, favourite movie … ?   Killer of a question, there, Debbi!   I really, truly and honestly, don’t know if I could put my finger on one.   Although I’m very aware I’ve blogged about Event Horizon and Doomsday, twice … and seen V for Vendetta more times than I can count …
    • Last awesome book … ?    Oh, CRIKEY … ?   I’ve read a few, recently.   But putting my finger on one … ?   Clive Barker’s Weaveworld.   The prose is just gorgeous … !

    Wait, wait, WAIT … 

    Did you say over … ?

    It ain’t over until … 

    Well … Around the time I do the final bit.

    Ask the people I’ve nominated — Olga, Michelle, Peter, Dave B and Mr Strict† — a few questions of mine …

    • Why do you blog?
    • How long have you blogged for.
    • What’s the one thing — game, kids, pets, song — guaranteed to distract you?
    • What was the last film you watched: whether on TV, on demand on on the big screen?
    • What’s the one, really unhealthy, food you can’t resist?
    • What’s the one song you want played at your funeral?
    Don’t forget, this is entirely optional … 

    But I’d love to see what people make of being Liebster nominated … !

    *        Here’s that first post.   Will you LOOK at the punctuation on that?   And Alex?   How ARE that kids?

    †        Who’s another of Old Peculiar regular commentors!


    1. Thanks, Paul. Great post.
      Sorry, I had a period, with the old blog (that's still alive when I was getting a lot of awards and nominations and eventually I realised I was spending more time doing that than blogging my own content, and as I always asked people before nominating them, I ended up either not passing them on or not nominating anybody and decided to become award free).
      I think I knew quite a few of your 10 facts already but good to learn a bit more.
      Thanks again and I hope I'll catch up on the teaser tomorrow (sorry, I've spent hours waiting for things today and never got anywhere, but...) Well, on the other hand there are "the" elections here tomorrow, in Catalonia, so who knows?
      Take care.

    2. Yay, Paul! Knew you'd be up to the task! :)


    I love it when someone comments. But, having had anonymous comments I feel may be libellous, actionable or just plain offensive, over the years?

    I’d appreciate you* leaving your name — with a link to your website or social-media profile†, for preference — before you post a comment.

    Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

    Contentious, actionable or abusive posts left anonymously will not be posted. Nor will comments using offensive pseudonyms or language, or that are abusive of other commenters.

    Thank you.

    *   I know many value their online privacy. I respect that. But hope you respect my wish to see who’s commenting on my blog: and my wish for you to introduce your self to me, and to your fellow commentors.

    †   Your Facebook, X/Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn profile are acceptable. I also like seeing folks webpages.