
Monday 30 April 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30th April, 2018

30th April, 2018

Yes: it’s a Monday, it’s the start of the week … 

And it’s the start of a week where I’m working every day of it.

Yes.   That’s not necessarily the best arrangement.

I am, after all, going to need some time off!

Right at the moment … ?

Working stupid hours is a case of ‘needs must.’

Especially given the seasonal nature of the job: where I never know what my shifts are, until the week before … 


Whilst I’m here … ?

I’ve a confession to make.

Or something I feel I should remind you off: as it caught my ear, today.

By default, I always have BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on, at this time of the morning.

Its mix of reporting, analysis and opinion — and habit of giving interviewees a serious grilling* — is very comforting … and less distracting than the BBC news channel.

But occasionally, they have an odd moment.

A few years ago?

They were the people who first mentioned who this Youtube thing … now was home to what was then the world’s most watched video.

What’s they’ve managed to mention, today?

Is simply that one of the Jack the Ripper letters — one sent to Ealing Police station, in 1888 — is being auctioned off.


I’ve a feeling the thing’s a hoax, as many of the Ripper letters must be.

But I’d be interested to hear how much it sells for.

I’d be even MORE interested … if someone actually found definitive proof of who the Ripper was … 


Let’s move on?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) J. J. Thompson announced — on 30th April, 1897 — that he’d discovered what: the proton, neutron or electron … ?
Q2) More to the point, that item has a charge of what: e, -e or 0?
Q3) The first celebrities to leave their footprints outside Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, did so on 30th April, 1927.   Name either one of the two.
Q4) Which church was founded on 30th April, 1966?
Q5) Finally … the Vietnam War ended when the capital of South Vietnam surrendered.   What WAS that capital?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 29th April, 2015, saw the official lowest attendance at a baseball game: as zero people turned up.   Name either of the teams playing.
A1) The Baltimore Orioles or the Chicago White Sox. 
Q2) 29th April, 1993, saw the Queen announce that — in order to raise funds to repair Windsor Castle — which Palace would be opened to the public?
Q3) 29th April, 1901, saw the birth of Hirohito: who later became Japanese Emperor.   These days, most Japanese would refer to him as Emperor … what?
A3) Shōwa.
Q4) 29th April, 1899, saw the birth of jazzman, Duke Ellington.   His band found fame in which Harlem venue?
A4) The Cotton Club.
Q5) Finally … 29th April, 1966, saw the birth of sportsman, Phil Tufnell.   What sport did he play?
A5) Cricket.
Here’s a thought …
“Let me start by saying I wish no country had the need for an army. But in Israel, serving is part of being an Israeli. You've got to give back to the state. You give two or three years, and it's not about you. You give your freedom away. You learn discipline and respect.”
Gal Gadot, born 30 April 1985.
And, given it’s the birthday of Osmond frontman, Merrill Osmond?   A song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Imagine your nearest political interviewer: the one that’s your local equivalent of former Newsnight presenter and frontman, Jeremy Paxman.   Today show presenters can be just abrasive … and are so, at silly o’clock in the morning.

†        Yeah, there’s that, too, Olga.   We get more boilers in winter — when people use them more — and less in the summer.   I’m expecting more leaky roofs, as well: we get more rain, in spring and autumn.   As for strenuous … ?   Well, it wasn’t too bad … just tiring … At ANY rate, I hope the delivery goes well: sound like that main door’s going to cause problems.   (My flat’s on the ground floor: getting bulky stuff into the building isn’t too bad.   Getting it round an awkward corner at my from door, on the other hand … )

‡        So you don’t have bodies lying around the place, Debbi?   Sounds like Victor the Cleaner beat Mr Wolf to it!   (Luc Besson’s original version of Nikita is quite something to watch!   I might just have to sit down with it, again, at some point.)


  1. I hope everything will be OK. I've had the call saying the removal company should be here soon so I'll have to pack the computer to make way for everything.
    Catch up soon!

  2. That's a great film! One of my favorites. :)

    1. the electron
    2. -e
    3. Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks
    4. the Church of Satan
    5. Saigon


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