
Tuesday 3 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd July, 2018.

3rd July, 2018.

Yep: it has to be said, I’ve been recording the various episodes of I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue, now, for … 

Well, a long time.

And have quite a few in my iTunes library.

So missing one … ?

Is a bit of a git … !

Still … ?   I’m listening to the version on iPlayer radio: and my word, it’s good!

Remind me to record the repeat on Sunday: there’s a game of Mornington Crescent involved!


Remember, a few days ago, that a clip was leaked?

One from the upcoming first episode of series 11 of Dr Who?   Jodie Whittaker’s first?

Well, the BBC have asked the first site that aired the clip to produce records to show who uploaded it.

With a view to prosecute.

Fair enough.

It’d be nice to know who did it.

But I’m ALSO thinking that this sort of thing is par for the digital course.

After all, it’s why the US ambassador complained to the Australian government: Australia’s the world’s biggest pirates of Game of Thrones.

It’s why — pre internet — the makers of Dallas made sure the prints of Who Done It? were transported around the world with extremely tight security.

So it’s not surprising.

After all … Aunty’s already prosecuted someone for leaking, before now … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, Olga on four, and Trevor‡ looking in to say hello.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Jim Morrison was found dead: on 3rd July, 1971.   He’d been the lead singer of which band?
Q2) Actor, Tom Cruise, was born: on 3rd July, 1962.   Cruise is a member of which church?
Q3) The World’s speed record — for a steam locomotive — was set on 3rd July, 1938.   By which loco?
Q4) Who made his first speech Mayor of London: on 3rd July, 2000?
Q5) Finally … Mohammed Morsi was overthrown in a coup: on 3rd July, 2013.   Morsi was president of where?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 2nd July is World UFO Day: according to some.   This one marks the day a UFO supposedly crashed: in which small, US city?
Q2) The other World UFO Day — 24th June — marks the day Keith Arnold saw a UFO.   In which year?
A2) 1947.
Q3) UFO’s are supposed to be shaped like a flying … what?
A3) Saucer.
Q4) Gerry Anderson made a TV series about a secret organisation called SHADO.   What was the series called?
A4) UFO.  
Q5) Finally … Which 1959 … 1950 science fiction film was the first to deal with UFOs?
Here’s a thought …
“It seems pointless to be quoted if one isn’t going to be quotable … it’s better to be quotable than honest.”
Tom Stoppard, born 3rd July, 1937.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I have to admit, Olga^: the film question, yesterday, was …badly done, I think: could’ve done with a bit more work.   No, scrub that: a lot more work!   What CAN I tell you … ?   At ANY rate?   My mood’s definitely improved: as I’ve managed to do something positive to get myself out of a hole.   That’s always the way for me, I’ve noticed.   If bad news turns up when I can’t do something about it, puts me in a bleak mood.   (Basically, the group concerned is sending a form for me to fill out, so I can show my income, and expenses.)

†        I THINK Trevor might be nearer than you think, Debbi^!   AHEM!   And, as I said to Olga, I think that film question could of done with a lot more work.   That’s what happens when you write questions, half tired!   Not that I’m telling anything you don’t know!   (The idea hits me that doing a podcast would be an idea: doing the intros is getting to me!   We’ll see.   Oh, today’s background may grab you!)

‡        Amazing to see how the divisions have changed, Trevor^.   It’s mildly odd that there’s one called a part.   Until I remember we’ve got hundreds, down south!

^        Peter Firmin — one of the UK’s best loved animators — died the other day.   I should really have mentioned, yesterday: World UFO Day was a perfect chance to mention The Clangers.


  1. A1 The Doors

    A2 The Church of Scientology

    A3 Mallard

    Here are a few of my online photos of the locomotive and her sisters taken at The Great Gather in the NRM in York back in 2013 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the event.

    A4 Red Ken Livingstone

    A5 Egypt

    down south you had your Hundreds but up north we had the Norse Wapentakes.

  2. Q1) The Doors.
    Q2) Scientology (The Church of Scientology)
    Q3) 4468 Mallard
    Q4) Ken Livingstone
    Q5) Egypt
    I'm pleased to hear your mood is better. Fingers crossed it all goes according to plan or even better. I'll try and remind you of the recording but I'd suggest trying to set a reminder...

  3. Now, now, Paul. You know I'm fond of Trevor. Hi, Trevor! :) *waving*

    1. The Doors
    2. Scientology
    3. the LNER Class A4 4468 Mallard
    4. Ken Livingstone
    5. Egypt

    I gotta tell ya. A podcast takes work. And a bit of dosh for hosting, etc. But Godspeed! :)


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