
Wednesday 4 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-7-2018: Independence Day.

4th July, 2018.

Interesting … 

If you’re me, that is.

I’m not gay: so you know.

But this piece from the BBC’s news site, telling us the government is planning to ban what’s called gay conversion therapy.

The idea that various forms of treatment can stop you being gay.   (Including what’s called conversion rape.   The idea is that raping a lesbian magically stops her being a lesbian.   The logic of that escapes me.)

At ANY rate?   I’m sort of sympathetic to the ban: although I don’t know if it — like the ban on mobile phone use whilst drivingª — would work.

There’ll be someone.

At any rate … ?   I’m sympathetic,

As I can still remember horror stories about kids being forced into using their right hands.

Here’s hoping.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 4th July is Independence Day in the USA.   The US is the United where of America?
Q2) How many of those where’s make up the USA: 48, 49 or 50?
Q3) Which of those wheres is the largest … by area?
Q4) Which of those wheres is the largest … by population?
Q5) Finally … Uncle Sam is one of the common symbols of the US.   Strictly?   Sam’s supposed to represent what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Jim Morrison was found dead: on 3rd July, 1971.   He’d been the lead singer of which band?
A1) The Doors.
Q2) Actor, Tom Cruise, was born: on 3rd July, 1962.   Cruise is a member of which church?
A2) The Church of Scientology.
Q3) The World’s speed record — for a steam locomotive — was set on 3rd July, 1938.   By which loco?
A3) The Mallard.
Q4) Who made his first speech Mayor of London: on 3rd July, 2000?
Q5) Finally … Mohammed Morsi was overthrown in a coup: on 3rd July, 2013.   Morsi was president of where?
A5) Egypt.
Here’s a thought …
“True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what’s right.”
Brigham Young.
And the inevitable tune …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Norse Wapentakes, Trevor^?   Isn’t there a cream for that?   (Oh, Debbi’s waving at you … )

†        Oh, I’m going to set a reminder, Olga^: I’ll do that now, in fact!   Cheers for reminding me!   (You’ missed a FANTASTIC game of Mornington Crescent!)

†        I don’t know if he’s managed to wave back, yet, Debbi^: he IS around, though!   And thanks for The pointer!   (Happy Independence Day: don’t overdo the turkey!)

^        Oh, I just had a phone call from BT Technical Department, threatening to cut off my internet.   Turns out it’s a scam.   The big clue?   Was that they didn’t know who I was when I got past the automated voice … and couldn’t tell me my account number.   

ª        Using a mobile phone — in your hand — has been banned in the UK for several years.   I still see people using mobiles, on a daily basis.


  1. JUST so everyone knows?

    I’ve had a SECOND call from someone claiming to be from BT’s ‘Technical Department’

    Who once again, put the phone down: when I asked them for my account number.

    How rude … 

  2. Q1) States
    Q2) 50
    Q3) Alaska
    Q4) California
    Q5) The American Government
    I hope I'll be able to catch up at some point, although I have a mountain of programmes to catch up on... Sometimes we assume things have been banned or are illegal, but they are not. (I remember reading about those supposed "treatments", although of course, not that long ago, homosexuality was classed as a sexual perversion and a mental illness, so not such a big surprise).

  3. Well played with the caller, Paul! :) And how nice of you to do this teaser.

    Personally, I'd rather this be our national anthem:

    BTW, I'm loving the Doctor Who visual effects! :)

    1. States
    2. 50
    3. Alaska
    4. California
    5. the U.S. government or patriotism (maybe both?)

    No turkey today. But I did have a Jammie Dodger with lunch.


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