
Thursday 5 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-7-2018: Juno What?

5th July, 2018.

Yes, it IS Thursday, isn’t it … ?

Which mean just one thing.


I’m going to be taping Channel four series, Humans, tonight.


You’ve probably worked out that I’ve got an AppleTV.   And love it to bits.

I’m ALSO aware that Channel 4 has a good reputation for drama.

That’s certainly true.

My only problem?   Is simply that, while every other major TV channel in the UK has a catch up app available for the AppleTV, Channel 4 doesn’t.

Bit of a flaw, Channel 4.

If you’re reading this … ?

Well … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The Juno space probe arrived at Jupiter.   On 5th July of which year?
Q2) The probe was launched by which space agency … ?
Q3) The probe’s named for Jupiter’s wife.  She was what: a Greek goddess, a Roman goddess or a Sumerian Goddess?
Q4) The visible light camera on Juno was the … what?
Q5) Finally … ?   The Juno craft is powered with what: a nuclear generator, solar panels, or rubber bands?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 4th July is Independence Day in the USA.   The US is the United where of America?
A1) States.
Q2) How many of those where’s make up the USA: 48, 49 or 50?
A2) 50.
Q3) Which of those wheres is the largest … by area?
A3) Alaska.
Q4) Which of those wheres is the largest … by population?
A4) California.   (Alaska is third from the bottom.   It’s got a bigger population than Vermont, and Wyoming.)
Q5) Finally … Uncle Sam is one of the common symbols of the US.   Strictly?   Sam’s supposed to represent what?
A5) The US government.   (Supposedly, he’s named after Sam Wilson: a 19th Century meat packer who supplied the government.)
Here’s a thought …
“During its continued mission, NASA’s Juno spacecraft will maintain its 53-day polar orbit around Jupiter. At its closest, Juno passes within 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometers) of Jupiter’s cloud tops once during each 53-day orbit. At the high end of each orbit, Juno is about 5 million miles (8-million kilometers) from the planet – which is just beyond the orbit of the Jovian moon Themisto.”
From the NASA webpage about the probe.
And some Holst …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, I knew gay conversion was legal, Olga: to me as a southpaw, though, it also seemed mildly daft.   Lord knows what the gay community as a whole think of it.   There’s a few dissenting voices, I know.   Didn’t the UN change the definition relatively recently?   I think it was in the late forties.   Always struck me as stupid: and on a par with calling me and other lefties, disabled … !   At ANY rate … !   Enjoy the ones you can catch up with!   I’m just quietly grateful for iPlayer Radio!

†        Glad to be able to help, there, Debbi!   And the subject’s always a rich one.   It’s also mildly disappointing we don’t have a UK equivalent.  Well … apart from — possibly — Remembrance Day!   I’ll have to bookmark that song.   Ok, the effect?   Was Photo Booth, again.   It’s not perfect, I know, but … … … … (How the HELL I got the audio …out … No, wait, I used HandBrake … !).  As for the calls … ?   I had another one in the afternoon … !   (I had one a couple of weeks ago: one of the old Windows Technical Department scams.   They put the phone down when I say I have a Mac …)


  1. Q1) 2016
    Q2) NASA
    Q3) A Roman goddess
    Q4) The JunoCam
    Q5) Solar panels

  2. A1 2016

    A2 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

    A3 Roman Goddess

    A4 Juno Cam

    A5 Solar Panels.

    Can you not use "All 4" to catch up on Channel 4 programs. I use it both on my internet connected telly ( certainly not Apple) and on my Windows laptop. I some times watch ancient Time Team programs on it. I have all the catch ups on both my laptop ad my telly.

  3. Yes, I suppose that would end the conversation quickly! :)

    1. 2016
    2. NASA
    3. a Roman goddess
    4. JunoCam
    5. solar panels (AND rubber bands AND duct tape ... yeah, I'm kidding!)

    Oh, I should tweet you the blog post I have scheduled for tomorrow. A little sketch featuring a certain Mr. Hilter. :) They say steal from the best.


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