
Friday 14 September 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th September, 2018

14th September, 2018.

It’s officially true: I have an ear worm.

And it’s not even the whole damn song … !



I’d get the whole of Billie Piper’s Because We Want To banging around my brain.


I’ve got the duck-call noise at the start of the thing on repeat!

Why, I don’t know.

There’s something els I don’t know, either.

Why the hell is the bouncer at the end of the video a rhino?

Oy … !


While we’re here … ?

I notice there’s technology news, over at the BBC’s website.

Yes, OK: I’ve been following it for years.

You’ve possibly worked that out.

One piece I noticed?

Was this one: telling Microsoft has introduced an experimental feature in some of the developer versions of its Windows 10 operating system.

Warning people who install Google Chrome or Firefox not to do so: and that their own Edge browser is a more secure option.


I hope that feature isn’t one that’s introduced into the main consumer version of the operating system.

I’ve felt for a long time that you and I should have a choice in what software to use.

This — to me — makes Microsoft look like it’s thinking very gently, of discouraging end users from trying alternatives.

Little bit sneaky, that … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 14th September is Feast of Saint Notburga: the patron saint of servants and peasants.   She was born in what’s now where: Austria, Hungary or Romania?
Q2) Marcus Sarjeant was jailed: on 14th September, 1981.   For trying to shoot whom?
Q3) The HMAS AE1 was lost at sea: on 14th September, 1914.   It’s Australia’s first what: submarine, battleship or aircraft carrier?
Q4) The Bishop Gore School was founded: on 14th September, 1682.   It’s the oldest school in which country of the UK?
Q5) 14th September, 1936, saw the birth of actor Walter Koenig.   Which character did he play in Babylon 5?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 13th September, 509 BC, saw the Ancient Romans dedicate a temple to Jupiter.   Jupiter is the leader of the Roman Gods.   Leader … or what?
A1) King.
Q2) The temple that got dedicated was on which of Rome’s hills?
A2) The Capitoline Hill.
Q3) He was also the god of what: the sky, Earth or sea?
A3) Sky.
Q4) He was also god of what: thunder, lightning or rain?
A4) Thunder.
Q5) Who was Jupiter’s Greek equivalent?
A5) Zeus.
Q6) Jupiter would be served by a Flamen Dialis.   In other words a senior, Patrician … what?
A6) Priest.
Q7) This particular temple of Jupiter was the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus.   In other words, Jupiter the best and … ?
A7) Greatest.
Q8) The original Temple — the one dedicated in 509 BC — was completed by the last king of Rome.   Who was he?
A8) Lucius Tarquinius Superbus: also known as Tarquin the Proud.
Q9) The last Temple was built by Emperor Domitian.   Was that the third, fourth or fifth temple?
A9) The fourth.
Q10) Finally … ?   Jupiter was the chief god of the Capitoline Triad.   Name either of the other two gods in the Triad.
A10) Juno or Minerva.
Here’s a thought …
“No intelligent man wears a moustache voluntarily — you can write that down.”
Sam Neill‡, born 14 September 1947.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Don’t they just, Olga!   Augustus, the first Roman emperor, was born Gaius Octavius Thurinus … and ended up as Imperator Caesar Divi Filius Augustus.   I think it translated as Commander Augustus, Son of the God, Caesar.   I still think he looked like a Sidney … !   (I’ve REALLY got to look those up: hopefully, Dot Cotton in Spanish will get Billie Piper out of my head!)

†        Yeah, sorry, Debbi! I was getting artistic with that question set!   How IS the treatment going?   I’m getting the impression the hand’s looking iffy, by the time you post.   It’s the shorter posts!   Oh, and answers 11, yesterday … :D   Oh, by the way, there’s a series two trailer for Star Trek Discovery doing the rounds … 

‡        I can still remember seeing Sam Neill in Omen III: The Final Conflict.   He’s actually rather menacing.


  1. Q1) Austria.
    Q2) The Queen
    Q3) submarine
    Q4) Wales
    Q5) Alfred Bester
    Good luck with the earworm! These days I seem to get stuck on old TV ads tunes, but I won't share any... ;)

  2. Yep. The next treatment is this coming Tuesday. Can't wait! :)

    1. Austria
    2. Queen Elizabeth II
    3. submarine
    4. Wales
    5. Alfred Bester

    I remember Bester doing that "Be seeing you" gesture from "The Prisoner". :)


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