
Saturday 15 September 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th September, 2018

15th September, 2018.

Yep: it’s a Saturday.

Yes: it’s a early start.

And yes, you’re right.

I’d rather be back in bed.

Still … needs must, and all that.

I sort of like earning money and paying bills.

What can I tell you … ?


Hmmm … 

Technology watcher that I am … ?   As well as rabid Mac fan … ?

You can bet I’ve kept my eyes peeled on the company when they make a big announcement.

So … ?

Well, it’s nice to see the details of the new iPhone and Apple Watch doing the rounds: even though, for me, they’re unaffordable.

One thing I had noticed in all the hype, though … ?

Was that Apple has updated iOS, and introduced new versions of the MacBook Pro?

It’s not updated the rest of the Mac line.

Purely from an emotional point of view?

And given it was the first Mac I actually bought, new?

It’s a little disappointing to not see the Mac mini updated.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The HMS Whiting ran aground on the Doom Bar: on 15th September, 1816.   The Doom Bar is a sand bar off the coast of where: Cornwall, Devon or Somerset?
Q2) Astrid Proll was arrested in the UK: on 15th September, 1978.   She was a member of which militant group?
Q3) The Cassini mission ended: on 15th September, 2017.   Which planet was it studying?
Q4) During the Korean War, 15th September, 1950, saw UN forces land at which Korean port: Pohang, Daipori or Inchon?
Q5) Finally … Muhammed Ali beat Leon Spinks: on 15th September, 1978.   In which US city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 14th September is Feast of Saint Notburga: the patron saint of servants and peasants.   She was born in what’s now where: Austria, Hungary or Romania?
A1) Austria.
Q2) Marcus Sarjeant was jailed: on 14th September, 1981.   For trying to shoot whom?
A2) The Queen.
Q3) The HMAS AE1 was lost at sea: on 14th September, 1914.   It’s Australia’s first what: submarine, battleship or aircraft carrier?
A3) Submarine.
Q4) The Bishop Gore School was founded: on 14th September, 1682.   It’s the oldest school in which country of the UK?
A4) Wales.
Q5) 14th September, 1936, saw the birth of actor Walter Koenig.   Which character did he play in Babylon 5?
A5) Alfred Bester.   (Possibly the only character named after a scifi author.)
Here’s a thought …
“TV’s not the same buzz. If someone tells you three million people watched the show last week, that’s good but, when you walk out in front of 1,000, you think, ‘Oh my God, this had better be good’.”
Jimmy Carr, born 15 September 1972.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, I know what you mean, Olga: just don’t look up the Shake and Vac ad, from the 1980s.   It’s still doing the round, somewhere!   So’s the Cadbury’s add with the eyebrows.   (It always makes me think of The Midwich Cuckoos.)

†        Did you know the character’s named the SF writer, Debbi?   I have to admit, I read Bester’s The Demolished Man, many years ago: riveting little read!   (I’m going to have to sit down with Babylon Five, at some point.   I was busily watching Deep Space Nine, at the time … !)


  1. Q1) Cornwall
    Q2) Baader-Meinhof
    Q3) Saturn
    Q4) Inchon
    Q5) New Orleans
    Wow! I had watched that advert but not thought about it in years. Now I might never get it out of my head. I love the cover of The Demolished Man. Fabulous!

  2. I did not know that. I'm always learning something here.

    1. Cornwall
    2. the Red Army Faction
    3. Saturn
    4. Inchon
    5. New Orleans


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