
Thursday 20 December 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th December, 2018

20th December, 2018.

Yep: the word for the day is drones … !

The reason it’s drones?

Is Radio 4.

Basically, I’ve woken up this morning, turned on the TV — as ever, I’ve got Radio Four’s Today programme on — only to be told by Justin Webb that Gatwick airport had been closed.

Because someone’s been flying a drone, over the runway, since nine o’clock, last night.

It’s been creating havoc.

On the other hand?

It’s the first thing to knock Brexit off of the headlines in weeks … 


The one good thing I can say about today … ?

Is that;
  • I’ve a phone interview, this evening.
  • I’ve got all the stuff I need to send off for my drivers license.
OK, granted: it’s going off in the middle of the Christmas Card Rush.

But, hopefully?

It — and the various bits and bobs I’ve sent off to get it — will be with me soon.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 20th December, 1901, saw the birth of physicist, Robert J. Van de Graff.   He, famously, invented the Van de Graff … what?
Q2) Author and chef, Pat Chapman, was born on 20th December, 1940.   He famously founded a club promote which country’s cuisine?
Q3) Vespasian claimed the title of Roman Emperor: on 20th December, 69AD.   He originally did what, for Emperor Nero: command a legion, run the Civil service or make cheese?
Q4) 20th December, 1981, saw a lifeboat go missing.   Off the south west coast of where: Cornwall, Devon or Dorset?
Q5) Finally … ?   20th December, 1803, at a ceremony in New Orleans, saw the US government complete the Louisiana Purchase.   Who did the US buy the territory from?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 19th December, 1941, saw Adolf Hitler named as Oberkommando des Heeres.   In other words, head of the high command of what?
A1) Army.
Q2) 19th December is Liberation Day, in Goa.   Goa had been a colonial territory of which European country?
A2) Portugal.
Q3) 19th December, 1945, saw the execution of John Amery: on charges of Treason.   He’s been the founder of which British Fascist group?
A3) The British Free Corp.
Q4) 19th December, 1984, saw the UK agree to hand which territory back, to China?
A4) Hong Kong.
Q5) Finally … ?   Henry 2nd was crowned at Westminster Abbey: on 19th December, 1154.   As king of where: England, Ireland or Scotland?
A5) England.
Here’s a thought …
“I’ll no longer say that I have supernatural powers. I am an entertainer. I want to do a good show. My entire character has changed.”
Uri Geller, born 20 December 1946.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        There’s always leftovers, Olga!   That’s alway’s the way!   Hmmm … did you ever here the word ‘chitterling’?   It’s an old English word: that basically refers to pig tripe.   Whatever’s left over, after the rest of the pig’s been eaten.   (In the US, the chiterlin’ circuit was the only clubs that let African Americans play.)

†        Glad you liked the song, Debbi!   As for Dune … ?   I’m mildly concerned.   No-one’s ever managed to do more than a halfway decent version.    Lynch’s had its flaws, the tv series got the Harkonnens right … but … !   As you can imagine?   The news Denis Villeneuve’s doing a version … well … 


  1. A1 Generator
    A2 The Indian subcontinent ( which includes a number of countries )
    A3 command a legion
    A4 Cornwall
    A5 France

    Moist's postal service is working well and they have delivered your Hogs-watch card safely to me. Thank you.

  2. Q1) generator
    Q2) India
    Q3) command a legion
    Q4) Cornwall
    Q5) France
    Here there are quite a few dishes... Callos a la madrileña, for example. It makes sense. Good luck with the interview and the paperwork.

  3. Well, let's hope for the best.

    I heard about the drones.

    1. generator
    2. India
    3. command a legion
    4. Cornwall
    5. France


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