
Thursday 11 April 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-4-2019: Brixton.

11th April, 2019.

Yep: we’re now going to leaving the EU … 

On 31st October, at the latest.

Right now … ?

Right … I voted Remain.

I’m no educated Joe: one that could explain the economic benefits of staying.

My own reasons were personal.

I still think it’s a good idea … 


The amount of wrangling in Parliament, the indecisive amounts of foot-dragging, the fact we’ve still not left, despite one deadlines going past and another on the way means I’m as frustrated as any other UK citizen.

I can’t help but think we’ve been had over, by MPs: regardless of which way we may have voted.

Parliamentary politicians, as a group?

Are a disgrace.


Oh, the interview … 

I have to admit, the interview finished after a few minutes.

As one of the first things I asked was about help with transport: the job’s further away than my last one.

The interviewer’s going to be emailing me, later today.

We’re going to carry on: once we know what’s happening.

Which doesn’t sound a bit like Brexit, now I look at it …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Riots started in Brixton: on 11th April, 1981.   After a young black British man was what: murdered, assaulted or arrested?
Q2) Brixton itself, is part of which London borough?
Q3) One factor that contributed to the Riots were a heavy-handed police operation called Operation … what?
Q4) How many member of the public — according to Wikipedia — were injured as a result of the riot?
Q5) The eventual government enquiry into the riots were chaired by whom?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 10th April, 1970, saw Paul McCartney leave what?
A1) The Beatle.
Q2) 10th April, 1929, saw the birth of actor, Max von Sydow.   Who did he play in the 1984 film version of Dune?
A2) Dr Liet-Kynes.
Q3) Three years later, 10th April, 1932, saw the birth of actor, Omar Sharif.   He was a well spoken of player of which card game?
Q4) 10th April is the Anglican feast day of William of Ockham.   William was the man behind Occam’s … what?
A4) Occam’s Razor.   (Occam’s Razor’s quite easy: if you have two explanations for something, the simplest one is usually the correct one.)
Q5) Finally … ?   Mount Tambora started a three month long eruption on 10th April, 1815.   The volcano is where: the Malay peninsular, Indonesia or the Japanese archipelago?
A5) Indonesia.
Here’s a thought …
“Every time we tried to attend to a fire we were attacked. We've never had this sort of disturbance before.”
Declan Butler, Fire Brigade Divisional Officer, as quoted in The Guardian of 13th April, 1981.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf: someone’s feeling speedy!

†        Mixed blessing isn’t the word, Olga: the job’s far enough away to need help with transport.   Unfortunately, it’s outside London, so doesn’t get any help as a result.   And it sounds like the station’s doing well!   I have to admit, I had a quick look at Sound Forge’s Wikipedia entry.   The screen shot there looked vaguely reminiscent of iMovie: one window’s the time where you work, another’s where you store everything, the third’s a preview window.   Oh, it looks like you can added video^: in case you needed to sync audio to video!   I know what you mean about breathing, too: I had to learn about microphone use, for the live quizzes I did!

‡        Oh, yes!   I think it’s the only way to learn, Debbi!   Shame no-one’s mentioned that to the House of Commons!   (Oh, did you hear about the picture that’s been released?   Of the Black Hole?   The Brexit memes are doing the rounds … already!)

^        But very limited video codecs: including one — .avi — that I understand is not much used …


  1. (1)Arrested(2) Lambeth(3) Swamp (4) 45(6)Lord Scarman

  2. Q1) arrested
    Q2) Lambeth
    Q3) Swamp 81
    Q4) 45
    Q5) Lord Scarman
    I hope there is some help for the job. I think the Sound Forge version we use might be a bit ancient, but I guess making many changes when a lot of people use the programme could be tricky... Interesting about the video. When I have the sound technician at hand I'm always asking him questions, but we don't always coincide...

  3. I've seen the photos, read the articles. Exciting! :)

    1. arrest
    2. Lambeth
    3. Swamp
    4. 43
    5. Lord Scarman


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