
Saturday 6 April 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th April, 2019

6th April, 2019.

You know, in the midst of my own issues … ?

No job, lack of cash, innards going twang, depression waving away … ?

I note that Brexit … ?

Is still going on … 

With representatives from the Labour Party due to meet representatives from the government, today, for more talks.

And Theresa May having sent a letter to Donald Tusk, the European Council President: asking for another extension.


I’m no expert, no financier, no … whatever … 

But am very aware that exiting the EU with no deal is considered a bad thing.

Right now?

I think that’s where we’re heading on 12th April.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Who was arrested at the Cadogan Hotel, on 6th April, 1895?
Q2) NASA launched its Pioneer 11 probe on 6th April, 1973.   The probe was heading where: Mars, Venus or the Asteroid belt?
Q3) 6th April, 1989, saw the UK’s government announce it was cancelling the NDLS scheme.   The scene guaranteed worked for whom: miners, train drivers or dockers.
Q4) 4th April, 1929, saw the birth of conductor, André Previn.   He famously accursed who of playing all the wrong notes?
Q5) Finally … John 1st was named as king: on 6th April, 1385.   Of where … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 5th April, 1942, saw the birth of directors, Peter Greenaway.   Which of his films starred Michael Gambon and Helen Mirren as Albert and Georgina Spica?
Q2) George Washington performed the first Presidential what: on 5th April, 1792?
A2) Presidential veto.
Q3) The first international rugby match was played on 5th April, 1904: between England, and the ‘Other nations’ team.   Was that game the first international rugby league, or rugby union?
A3) Rugby league.
Q4) Dr Joseph Lister was born on 5th April, 1827.   What did he invent: antidepressants, retroviral drugs, or antiseptic surgery?
Q5) Finally … ?   5th April, 1950, saw the birth of singer/songwriter, Agnetha Fältskog.   She rose to fame with which band … ?
Here’s a thought …
“I finally wasn’t interested in writing music that played while actors talked.”
André Previn, April 6, 1929 – February 28, 2019.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, @Badwolf … !

†        The worrying bit with some of Sir Terry’s characters, Olga?   Is I think I’ve met some already.   I think I’ve for two or three of them.   To the point where, if I mentioned Sam Vimes or Granny Weatherwax to some customers … they immediately started staring at the landlord of the day.   And there’s at least three Carcers lurking around each pub I’ve worked in.   Yeah, you’re right … Characters coming to life could be an issue … 

‡        Oh, THAT they can!   I’ve not actually seen the remake of The Italian Job, Debbi: I don’t think I heard anything good about it … (It was set in Los Angeles!).  Oh, I’ve put a few titles up, about Terry Pratchett, after the quick mention of him on Twitter, yesterday.   Nightwatch’s villain, Carcer … ?   Well …


  1. (1) Oscar Wilde (2) asteroid belt (3)Dock workers (4) Eric Morecambe (5 )Portugal.

  2. Q1) Oscar Wilde
    Q2) the Asteroid belt?
    Q3) dockers
    Q4) Eric Morecambe
    Q5) Portugal
    I know what you mean about characters. I received an e-mail from Barnsley about registering for voting in the European elections, so I guess...

  3. I've only seen part of it, but it doesn't seem bad.

    True, it doesn't have Michael Caine. But you can't have everything. :)

    1. Oscar Wilde
    2. the Asteroid belt
    3. dockers
    4. Morecambe
    5. Portugal

    Now, the Hollywood remake of "Hitchhiker's Guide"? YUCK!!!

    Same for the TV remake of "The Prisoner". Ughhhh!!!!


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