
Tuesday 9 April 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9th April, 2019

9th April, 2019.

Yep: it’s going to be a long, quiet day, today.

One where I’ve actually got little to do.

I’ll manage: of course I will.

But the day I find a job?

The day I get the good news I’ve been hired for something?

Can’t come a day too soon!


Something that DID put a make yesterday a bit better: and got a mention in last night’s Westworld review?

Remember me mentioning that I had a visit for a repairman due, to sort my cupboard door out?

Due between eight and one?

He actually turned up any quarter past nine: just as I was finishing yesterday’s post, and publishing on line.

And had the job done, in side of ten minutes.

AND rehung the cupboard doors under my kitchen sink.

That went well!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Olga and Badwolf on four..

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 9th April, 1940, saw Victor Quisling take power: after the German invasion of where?
Q2) 9th April is the Day of the Finnish Language.   It’s a recognised minority language in Finland, Russian Karelia, Sweden … and where else: Norway, France or China?
Q3) Georgia declared itself independent from the USSR: on 9th April, 1991.   What’s the capital of Georgia?
Q4) 9th April, 1944, saw the birth of activist, PLO member and hijacker, Leila Khaled.   Which Dr Who character is named after her?
Q5) Finally … ?   9th April, 1954, saw the birth of actor, Tom Quaid.   In which film does he play Lieutenant Tuck Pendleton?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Auguste Deter died on 8th April, 1906: of Alzheimer’s Disease.   In which country did she die?
A1) Germany.   (She was the first patient to be diagnosed with the condition: by Dr Alois Alzheimer, himself.)
Q2) Many medics now feel she suffers which version of the disease?
Q3) Alzheimer’s, itself, is estimated to be the cause of many cases of which D?
A3) Dementia.
Q4) One theory of the causes of Alzheimer’s Disease, say it’s caused by a build up of Amyloid beta (Amyloid β).   Amyloid β are what: peptides, fats or free radicals?
A4) Peptides.
Q5) Finally … ?   Is Alzheimer’s curable?
A5) No.
Here’s a thought …
“Irreverence is easy — what’s hard is wit.”
Tom Lehrer, born 9th April, 1928.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf!   I think sad’s putting it mildly, Badwolf.   My gran had it: when she died, it was sort of a relief, as it meant she’d stopped suffering.

†        Well, the translation’s good on that first article, Olga.   Yes: I knew there was a sedition trail going on: which struck me as being just a little off.   After all, most of the protestors and campaigners seemed peaceful.   Loud … but peaceful.   What caught my attention, in the article?   Was the judge ruling video evidence from the defence side.   Debbi’s the legal brain, bless er: but that seems … well … just a little bit wrong.   And , yes: there’s been a couple of pieces about Vox, and Franco’s body.   The (worrying) old phrase?   Was ‘Here comes the new boss, the same as the old boss …’.  Olga, I think you’ve set the record, there.   :D.  (Oh … about the intro video … ?   Did I tell you I can turn the video of a theme tune into audio … ?   Amazing what you can do with QuickTime.)

‡        I so hope’s it’s ‘incurable for now,’ Debbi.   What more can we say?   It’s … Well, Sir Terry calling it ‘an embuggerence’ seems mild … (Oh, did I mention I’ve been tinkering with iMovie, Debbi.   Seems I can turn a video black and white with one set of controls: then add extra filters.)


  1. (1) Norway. (2) Norway(3)Tbilisi (4)Leela (5)Innerspace

  2. Q1) Norway
    Q2) Norway
    Q3) Tbilisi
    Q4) Leela
    Q5) Dennis… (I wondered who Tom Quaid was). Innerspace
    Did I ever tell you I have a cousin who is into editing films professionally? (Well, he is also trying to get into directing, but getting funding is... complicated). He also teaches it. I haven't seen him in person for quite a while (he lives here in Barcelona, but with two children and trying to make a living out of it he doesn't have time for much), but if I ever manage, I have to try and pick his brain, although I think I might be far too gone to learn new tricks...
    I'm pleased the repair went smoothly. ;)

  3. Isn't that cool? I've done that also. The black-and-white thing. :)

    Also, on #5, you mean Dennis Quaid, right? :)

    1. Norway
    2. Norway
    3. Tbilisi
    4. the awesome Leela!
    5. Innerspace


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