
Sunday 12 May 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-5-2019: Stop Learing

12th May, 2019.

Yep: right now, it looks like the weather in my part of the UK … ?

Is starting to look vaguely spring like.

Which is nice: although I’m hoping we don’t get a repeat of last year’s blistering heat … 

Whatever … 

The one thing I do know … ?

Was that I went into Brentwood High Street, yesterday.

And got back just in time to avoid … hail … !


Hmmm … 

I’ve got to confess, I’ve got Radio Four on at the moment.

Whilst I’m not especially religious?

The Sunday service — the LESS happy-clappy ones — can be rather soothing, first thing on a Sunday morning.

At ANY rate … ?

One thing I did catch, was this morning’s news.

Including a brief article about how a widow had had to get a court order, in order to be able to access her partner’s iCloud photos.

Annoying, it’s not showing up on the BBC’s website, as yet.

But … ?

With a recent death in the family, it’s something I’m aware needs doing: and that sorting these things out — before a death — is important … 

If at ALL possible … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Poet and illustrator, Edward Lear was born on 12th May.   In which year: 1812, 1813 or 1814?
Q2) From the age of six, Lear suffered with what: jaundice, arthritis or epilepsy?
Q3) His first published work featured his illustrations of what: bears, parrots or tuna fish?
Q4) Who — according to Lear — “dined on mince and slices of quince?”
Q5) Finally … ?   Lear wrote wrote many poems … that shared their names with a town in Ireland.   What WERE those poems?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Salvador Dalí was born: on 11th May of which year?
A1) 1904.
Q2) In which Spanish area: Andalusia, Catalonia or Galicia?
A2) Catalonia.
Q3) Dalí went to school  with Sagibarba, and Josep Samitier.   The latter were famous … what?
A3) Footballers.   (They both played for Barcelona.)
Q4) For much of 1922, Dalí stayed at the Residencia de Estudiantes: in which city?
A4) Madrid.   (The period’s covered in an episode of El Ministerio del Tiempo.   The team have to investigate a poster of Dalí’s: that features an unexpected iPad.)
Q5) Dalí’s first public exhibition was held when: 1924, 1925 or 1926?
A5) 1925.
Q6) Famously, Dalí worked with Luis Buñuel: on a film called Un Chien Andalou.   The title translate’s as The Andalusian … what?
A6) The Andalusian Dog.
Q7) Dalí’s The Persistence of Memory famously features a lot of melting … what?
A7) Strictly speaking?   Pocket watches.
Q8) Dalí designed the logo for a well known brand of what?
A8) Lollipops: specifically, Chupa Chups.
Q9) Dalí’s Christ of Saint John of the Cross spent many years, where: Warsaw, Toulouse or Glasgow?
A9) Glasgow.
Q10) Finally … ?   Dalí is generally considered what: an Impressionist, a Cubist or a surrealist?
A10) A surrealist.
Here’s a poem …
“On the top of the Crumpetty Tree
The Quangle Wangle sat,
But his face you could not see,
On account of his Beaver Hat.”
The Quangle
Wangle's Hat, by Edward Lear.
And a video about Jumblies …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You know, now you come to mention it, Olga‡ … ?   He sound’s like a shoo-in for Instagram!   What he’d make of the Kardashians, I don’t know.   Mind you I don’t know what I make of the Kardashians … !   (Yep: he did the logo for Chupa Chups.   You know,  I’m sure there’s other logos done by artists, lurking around, somewhere: I think the logo for GTO was done by someone famous …)

†        Can I suggest maybe putting you feet up with a halfway decent coffee, and a slice of cherry pie, Debbi‡?   That might help!   You know … I really don’t know what he’d’ve made of the TARDIS.   But he’d probably complain the 12th Doctor’s title sequence didn’t melt!

‡        Apparently, the pocket watches in The Persistence of Memory were inspired by some melting Camembert Dalí saw on a hot day … 


  1. Q1) 1812
    Q2) Epilepsy
    Q3) Parrots
    Q4) The Owl and the Pussycat
    Q5) Limericks
    I saw the video. You were lucky to escape the hailstorm! I keep thinking about online presence and wills, etc. I’ve read about it but I must get better informed. In the last couple of weeks I’ve been sent notification of birthdays, via Facebook, for people who’re already dead. I know it’s possible to get an account closed if you send Facebook a copy of the death certificate (or that’s what I’ve heard), but if relatives would know that or even think about doing it…
    I found this about a competition to draw a T-shirt for Doctor Who. I haven’t read the full details but it seems to be for the US, although I thought if you hadn’t seen it you might be interested in checking and sharing, as you know many fans…

    Reading your comment about Dali's melting watches... I have a wristwatch of a shape inspired by those and I love it, but hardly ever wear it because I get a rash with metal-backed watches (these days I wear one of these activity bands all in plastic).

  2. Man, things could be better here on the dystonia front.

    However, I just saw a really great indie film that I'm going to review ASAP.

    And ... I'm writing a Douglas Adams parody (in the style of John Lennon, no less) for ... (wait for it!) Towel Day! :)

    1. 1812
    2. epilepsy
    3. parrots
    4. The Owl and the Pussycat
    5. Limericks

    And will do a Hitchhiker's Guide reading on YouTube. With towel in hand! :)


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