
Monday 10 June 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th June, 2019.

10th May, 2019.

Yes: I’m off to the Job Centre, today.

And … ?   I’m vaguely looking forward to it.

I’ve an interview, tomorrow: and I’m trying to arrange the fare to get there.


That’ll go through rapidly, and be the right amount.

The last fare I tried arranging?

Was a fiasco.


Can I make a quick confession … ?

I’m not a video gamer: beyond playing casual games like Tetris, on my phone.

But … ?

A clip of Keanu Reeves just floated past … as he’s playing an NPC in the upcoming X-Box game, Cyberpunk 2077.

That caught me … as the original role playing game, Cyberpunk 2020, was a favourite.

The background world was quite the thing.

At any rate … ?   Getting the console for just the one game would be a serious waste of money.

But I wouldn’t mind a look at that: just to see what they’ve done with the background.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Badwolf†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 10th June, 1945, saw Australian forces liberate what’s now where: Brunei, Bahrain or Bhutan?
Q2) 10th June, 1910, saw the birth of Howlin’ Wolf.   The singer performed what we now call what blues?
Q3) 10th June, 1996, saw which party not attend all-party talks in Stormont?
Q4) 10th June, 1928, saw the birth of writer and artist, Maurice Sendak.   What was the name of his first children’s book?
Q5) Finally … ?   The 2017 World Expo start on 10th June.   In which country … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 9th June, 1978, saw which church open its priesthood to ‘all worthy men’: including black people?
Q2) 9th June, 1672, saw the birth of Tsar Peter the Great.   Which Russian city was his capital?
Q3) The first broadcast from the House of Commons were made on 9th June, 1975.   The Secretary of State for Industry was the first minister question that day.   Who was the Secretary of State for Industry?
A3) Tony Benn.   (His son, Hilary Benn, is the Labour MP for Leeds Central.)
Q4) 9th June, 1836, saw the birth of the first woman to become a qualified doctor in the UK.   Who was she?
Q5) Finally … ?   9th June, 1967, saw Israel capture what, from Syria?
A5) The Golan Heights.
Here’s a thought …
“I couldn’t do no yodelin’, so I turned to howlin’. And it’s done me just fine.”
Howling Wolf, June 10, 1910 – January 10, 1976.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Blimey, that’s interesting to see, Olga.   It’s … a video version of the spelling correction you see in a lot of word-processors.   Or more like Autocorrect on phones: it’d automatically correct the one word that goes wrong … without having to re-record it!   The amount of retakes I do, it would come in handy!   (I knew Cayetana was involved in Versión Española: but did you know Viggo Mortensen owns his own publishers?   I think a lot of actors like having these side-gigs, just in case!   I know Keanu Reeves and Gillian Anderson both crop up in video games, to give you an example.)

†        Morning, Anne!   Oh, picking up where we left off … ?   The Amazon speakers have their own Tamagotchi?   Good lord!

‡        It’s worth a go, Debbi!   (Some of the scenes where Crowley and Aziraphale meet?   Are nods to things like The Third Man, and Casablanca: where agents from enemy countries in, say, Vienna, get on better with each other, than they do with their bosses.)


  1. (1)Brunei (2)The Chicago blues(3) Sinn Féin.(4)
    Kenny's Window (5)Kazakhstan
    Good luck with the interview tomorrow, by the way, Tetris is a good game lol, I play that and word games when I can't sleep on my tablet

  2. Q1) Brunei
    Q2) Chicago Blues
    Q3) Sinn Féin
    Q4) Kenny’s Window
    Q5) Kazakhstan
    Interesting! Oh, I also have to re-record a lot of introductions to the radio news I cover, although the live interviews just go out (some cuts here and there if we run out of time, but no real changes)...

  3. (1)Brunei (2)The Chicago blues(3) Sinn Féin.(4)
    Kenny's Window (5)Kazakhstan I must posted this in the wrong earlier lol, I clicked on the link maybe a bit to soon. Yes, Amazon speakers are very entertaining, however, they record quite alot, even without using Alexa word. So one has to turn them off sometimes.

  4. Hmm ... very cool! :)

    1. Brunei
    2. Chicago blues
    3. Sinn Féin
    4. Where the Wild Things Are
    5. Kazakhstan


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