
Saturday 15 June 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-6-2019: The Bombing

15th June, 2019.

Yep: it’s officially official … 

Huawei are having more issues.

After Samsung’s folding phone was withdrawn, Huawei announced that they were suspending the release of theirs: as it was having problems.

They’ve ALSO cancelled the launch of their upcoming hi-end Windows laptop: partly over chip supply problems, and partly because Microsoft won’t necessarily supply versions the operating system.

How Huawei resolves that?

I don’t know about the chips: but they’ve patented a new phone OS, already!

They might well put that on the laptop: there’s plenty of hybrids around that show it can be done.

We’ll have to see … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Mr Strict†, Olga‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all four scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The IRA set off a bomb in central Manchester: on 15th June of which year?
Q2) The bomb went outside the Arndale Centre.   The Arndale centre was a what: shopping centre, cinema complex or theatre district?
Q3) The bombing was carried out by the Provisional … whom?
Q4) The bomb exploded in Corporation Street: and was hidden in a what: car, lorry or van?
Q5) Finally … ?   Roughly two hundred people were injured in the explosion.   How many died on the day?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 14th June, 1940, saw German troops enter which city?
A1) Paris.
Q2) A fire broke out at Grenfell Tower: on 14th June, 2017.   The cause was a malfunctioning what?
Q3) 14th June, 1811, saw the birth of author, Harriet Beecher Stowe.   Her best known novel was … what?
Q4) 14th June, 1900, saw where, become a US territory?
A4) Hawaii.
Q5) Finally?   14th June, 1955, saw the birth of Paul O’Grady.   What’s the name of his famously four mouthed drag character?
Here’s a thought …
“Police officer Wendy McCormick found herself telling people in the Arndale: ‘I don’t want to die because somebody won’t finish their pizza.’”
From the Manchester Evening News report on the bombing.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Anneª.   Yeah, I’ve bee following it for a while.   I’ve just caught the episode where Missandei dies.   Watching Daenerys’ reaction was something!

†        Morning, Mr S: nice to see you onboard … !

‡        Big Rock Candy Mountain’s been around for years, Olga: I know it was a childhood favourite.    X years later … … … the lyrics sound a bit different!   (You know, Uncle Tom’s Cabin is another one I’ll have to read!)

^        I really am going to have to look that up, Debbi: I know Brentwood Library can’t get hold of… !

ª        Ever here of Dr Feelgood, Anne?   Wilko Johnson — the guitarist, on the the left — turned up on Game of Thrones, a few years later: as Ser Ilyn Payne.   He ends up executing Sean Bean … 


  1. Q1) 1996
    Q2) Shopping centre
    Q3) IRA
    Q4) a van
    Q5) None.
    It's weird with some books. You get an idea in your head... It happened to me with El Lazarillo de Tormes, a Spanish classic (you'll remember el Ministerio del tiempo's episode), which for some reason I was convinced I wouldn't like, when I was a child. I read it, years later, and it is a fantastic book. I'm not sure what the English translations must be like, but...
    Have a great Saturday!

  2. I'm answering early for once today. I've been trying to take it easier on weekends. And in general. And it's about time. :)

    1. 1996
    2. shopping centre
    3. IRA
    4. van
    5. none (at least, there were no fatalities from the bomb); now, strictly speaking, I couldn't tell you how many people died that day (of other causes, in other places, etc.), she wrote, cheekily! :)


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