
Tuesday 18 June 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th June, 2019

18th June, 2019.

Hmm … 

I think I’m going to have to redo that overnight test.

I have iffy lungs: and had a test, last week: to check my blood-oxygen levels, overnight.

Which was inconclusive.

So I had to put up another bit of kit, yesterday: to do a more thorough test.

The basic of it: in this photo?

Got strapped onto me at the hospital: leaving me to install the cannulas — the plastic tubes that get inserted into the nose — once I went to bed.

I have to admit, I felt like a pre-op Cyberman, going home.

And have to ALSO admit … I think I have a problem.

The whole idea of the kit is to check while your blood oxygen, while you’re asleep.

Which I couldn’t do.

I couldn’t get off: couldn’t do it.

Ended up angrily taking this mass of wiring off, WAY too early.

I think I’m going to have to see about alternatives … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Badwolf†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 18th June, 1927, saw the birth of actor, Paul Eddington.   In which series did he play Jerry Leadbetter?
Q2) 18th June, 1941, saw the birth of cook, Delia Smith.   She’s a shareholder in her favourite football team.   Which football team?
Q3) 18th June, 1965, saw the UK government introduce a blood alcohol limit for whom: ship’s captains, pilots or drivers?
Q4) The body of banker, Roberto Calvi, was discovered: on 18th June,  1982.  Under which bridge?
Q5) Finally … ?   The first flight of the F-117 Nighthawk took place on 18th June, 1981.   It was the first plane with what technology?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) At least sixty-four people were killed on 17th June, 2017.   After a series of wildfires in which country … ?
A1) Portugal.
Q2) Which French speaking island set up a kingdom: on 17th June, 1794?
A2) Corsica.
Q3) M. C. Escher was born on 17th June, 1898.   His last print, Snakes, was released when: 1965, 1967 or 1969?
A3) 1969.
Q4) The three Baltic states were occupied by the Soviet Union: on 17th June, 1940.   Name one of those states.
Q5) Finally … ?   17th June, 1967, saw which Asian nation announce a successfully completed nuclear test?
A5) China.
Here’s a thought …
“People abroad tended to play safe and treat me as a minister, just in case.”
Paul Eddington, 18 June 1927 – 4 November 1995.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Cheers for that, Olga!   I think I’m going to have issues, though: I really couldn’t sleep with all the kit on.   I’m going to have to have words, to see what we can do.

†      You’re right, Anne, that’s one way it could’ve gone: Bran being named king was a bit left field.   I thought Jon or Daenerys were dead certs.   Then the throne got melted.   Game of Thrones likes killing things!

‡        Yes, I remember it, Debbi: I think I’ve still got the draft version you asked me to check.   Want me deleting it?   I need the space!   As for the Loon … ?   What CAN I tell you … !   Apart from I’d’ve hated working on the film version of Tommy.   Him and Oliver Reed on the same set … ?   Ye gods!


  1. (1)The Good Life (2) Norwich City F.C. (3)Drivers (4) Blackfriars Bridge(5) stealth
    Game Thrones to my knowledge made a few alternative ending, encase liken to season 7, the final episode got leaked, yes I did watch that leaked episode when it happened a week sooner than the UK scheduled. I imagine they may make spin-offs now who knows. Daenerys was my favorite, they killed her off, I was sick, they built her character up throughout all eight seasons, then gave her ending like they did. I would much prefer to see her die in battle or even eaten by her own dragon lol

  2. Q1) The Good Life (I quite enjoyed that)
    Q2) Norwich City F.C.
    Q3) Drivers
    Q4) Blackfriars Bridge in London
    Q5) Stealth (or low-observable technology)
    To tell you the truth, I'm not surprised. What a strange contraption! How could anybody sleep with that on, unless they put you under... Would they do the test in hospital? There might be easier options, but perhaps that at least would avoid so many comings and goings. (They were doing some research about sleep and breathing when my mother was in hospital three years ago, but the machine she had to wear wasn't that complicated... (In her case there was no particular problem with her lungs. It was her heart that was the problem).

  3. You can delete it if you wish. Because I am making changes.

    I can only imagine about Moon the Loon and Oliver Reed! :)

    1. The Good Life
    2. Norwich City FC
    3. drivers
    4. Blackfriars Bridge
    5. stealth technology


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