
Wednesday 3 July 2019

Good Omens — Series 1: Episode 5 — The Doomsday Option  — A Review

3rd July, 2019

I think we can say this: that we have to live with the consequences of our actions.

The one I’m worried about … ?

Is simply the fact I now have a green screen set up … !

OK, it’s not working perfectly: the thing only got unpacked a few hours ago, and needs ironing.

Which accounts for the speckled look.

But … ?

I know have a green screen: and I’m wondering where to put in between uses!


At any rate … ?

I’ve got a green screen that — once it’s ironed — I can use to do all sorts of basic compositing: including the effects seen in the video intro.

All that … ?

All that because I like talking about TV shows?

Well, yes: I always did like that Max Headroom effect.

At any rate … ?

And while we on the subject of TV … ?

Yes: I’ve seen another episode of Good Omens … !


Episode 5 — The Doomsday Option — sees Crowley (David Tennant) finding Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) missing … 

Aziraphale missing … 

And his shop in flames.


The only part of the stock still undamaged are The Nice and Accurate Prophecies … 

It’s only when a disembodied angel gets in touch, that Crowley checks the book …

And realises Aziraphale is right … 

They, humanity, and the world, are doomed unless they get to Tadfield … 


Is it still good … ?

Yes, it is: Tennant and Sheen are spot on, as are the rest of the cast.

Especially Miranda Richardson.

Mind you, if you hire the woman who played the DEFINITIVE Elizabeth 1st?   You’ll get a good performance.

And Death … ?

Death is voiced by Brian Cox.

The original Hannibal Lector!

About my only complaint?

They didn’t do the Elvis joke*!

Bar that … ?

I’m keen to see the last episode!

Catch you next time … !

*        It goes like this.   In the equivalent seen in the original novel, Death is playing on an electronic quiz machine.   The crucial question?   Which King of Rock died in ’77?   One of the answers is, of course, Elvis.   The bikers repeatedly point this out.   Until Death say’s “I don’t care what it says, I never laid a finger on him …”

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