
Wednesday 3 July 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-7-2019: I’d a hoe: in the cupboard … 

3rd July, 2019.

Yep: it’s a Wednesday.

The day after I’ve had to take a TV back to Sainsbury’s: as I couldn’t get the base fixed on!

I’ve had a replacement, I should add.

But … ?

With that amount of money on the table, you’d expect these things to be easy to put together … !


Oh … just so you know, Yorrick — the wooden skull I’m waving about — is something I’ve inherited rom my late Aunty Bella: and something I can remember her having for years.

Perched on top of her curtain rails, would you believe?

It’s creepy, I know … but it was her’s, and something I can remember her by.

Oh, and freak out the neighbours with … 


And to cap it all off — possibly the wrong choice of phrase, there — I’m off to the dentist, this afternoon.



It’s just a hygienist’s trip.

More of a frustration.

I hate sitting still for that length of time!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi  scoring five out of five: and Badwolf on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Idaho was admitted as the 43rd state of the Union: on 3rd July of which year?
Q2) What’s Idaho’s capital?
Q3) Idaho borders six US states.  Name one.
Q4) Idaho grows one third of the US’s what: tobacco, potatoes or kale?
Q5) Finally … ?   The Idaho Falls Chukars are from Idaho town, Idaho Falls.   They play what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 2nd July, 1956, saw the birth of actress and model, Jerry Hall.   She’s featured in adverts for which beefy drink?
A1) Bovril.
Q2) The Treaty of Tordesillas was ratified by Spain: on 2nd July, 1494.   The treaty divided the New World between Spain … and where … ?
A2) Portugal.
Q3) In a raid on 2nd July, 1970, the Metropolitan Police seized a large cache of what, from three different addresses: drugs, guns or potatoes?
A3) Guns.
Q4) The first branch of Wal-Mart opened in the small town of Rogers.   Town and shop, were in which US State?
A4) Arkansas.
Q5) Finally … ?   2nd July, 1940, saw the arrest of Subhas Chandra Bose: one of the leaders of which country’s independence movement?
A5) India’s.
Here’s a motto …
“Esto Perpetua.”   (Let it Be Perpetual)
Idaho’s motto.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I might just have a look at Dark, Anne: it looks interesting.   Completely the other end of the scale from El Ministerio del Tiempo.   Oh, there’s a series three planned, too.   I’ve read about Years and Years, by the way.   It vaguely reminded me of some bits of Torchwood: Children of Earth.

†        It does help, doesn’t it, Olga?   I feel a lot better for having it!   I keep seeing Grammerly adverts going past … and thinking, no, Olga, Trevor, Debbi and Anne will spot them … !   :D   At any rate, thanks for mentioning it: I totally missed them, and corrected them as quickly as I could!

‡        If the guy’s worth his salt, Debbi?   One of the questions will be a clue!   Oh, I’ve got The Cooler on order … 


  1. (1) 1890 (2)Boise (3) Washington(4) potato crop (5) baseball
    Years, Years I can see where you come from, it easy to identify this was Russel T Davis work, by the style, however, I like his style. Moffat, you can see the same pattern with his work, that's my perspective.

  2. Q1) 1890
    Q2) Boise
    Q3) Nevada
    Q4) Potatoes
    Q5) Baseball
    Well, it's part of the fun, spotting the typos, I mean. I try to use Grammarly especially when teaching at the UoPeople, because we have to use US spelling, so I have it set to that, to avoid getting students (and myself) confused).
    Sorry about the TV, although I hope it's all well now. Usually they are supposed to include everything, but even when they include the tools to put it together, my experience is that most of the time they don't do the job and you need to have a big supply...

  3. Awesome. You're gonna love it. I hope. :)

    1. 1890
    2. Boise
    3. Oregon
    4. potatoes
    5. baseball


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