
Sunday 11 August 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th August, 2019

11th August, 2019.

It’s official.

It’s officially official.

It’s so official?   That an official government spokesman, has said “Ohhhh … that’s official!”

Yes … 

I’ve had a phone call from Amazon.


You’re possibly aware I start my new job, next week.

As a result: I had a budgeting loan from the Job Centre, so I could pick up new clothes.

I think most of them are in … 

Although one last pack was only sort of delivered.

It was left on my door step.

Despite Amazon’s records telling me it had been “handed to the resident.”

Hence the call.

I complained.

I know it’s relatively petty: but I only expect a delivery driver to to put “handed to the resident” on the system … if he’s actually handed me the items … 

We’ll have to see if the £5 gift voucher I’ll get as a result?

Actually turns up … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Anne scoring five out of five and Debbi on four.

The day also saw Trevor‡ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 11th August, 1944, saw the birth of Ian McDiarmid.   Who does he play in the Star Wars series of films?
Q2) 11th August, 1937, saw the birth of actress, Anna Massey.   She played Jane Murdstone in the 1969, film version of which Charles Dickens novel?
Q3) 11th August, 1918, saw the end of which World War 1 battle?
Q4) 11th August, 1971, saw the Admiral’s Cup won by a British team: led by which Prime Minister?
Q5) Finally … ?   11th August, 1858, saw three mountaineers become to first to climb which of the Alps?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 10th August, 2003, saw the UK’s hottest day since records began.   The highest recorded temperature, that day, was 38.1ºC.   Where: Kent, Essex or Sussex?
A1) Kent: Gravesend, in fact.   (The record’s been beaten, since then: on Thursday, 25th July, 2019.)
Q2) 10th August, 1939, saw the birth of actress, Kate O’Mara.   In which series did she play Cassandra ‘Caress’ Morell?
A2) Dynasty.
Q3) The Magellan probe arrived at its destination: on 10th August, 1990.   What WAS its destination?
A3) Venus.
Q4) Dutch Rebels c0-signed the Treaty of Nonsuch: on the 10th August, 1585.   Which English monarch co-signed the treaty?
Q5) Finally … ?   10th August, 1993, saw two earthquakes hit which island nation?
A5) New Zealand.
Here’s a thought …
“As an actor, you find yourself in many unusual places.”
Ian McDiarmid, 11th August, 1944.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Year, there’s always that one weekend, isn’t there, Anne … ? 😃

†        Oh, VERY true, Debbi, very true!   Oh, I saw on the news that the same weekend of the two shootings?   Someone in Vegas was charged with owning bomb-making kit.   Another white supremacist, apparently.   Yeah … leaving it there’s a good thought … 😐

‡        I’ll try and double check that later, Trevor^: I’m still burning off CDs.   Either way … ?   I’m glad I wasn’t there for that one!   (And, yes: there’s always that one idiot.   You’d think back packs don’t exist.)

^        Sunday night’s a — ahem — good night to rob an off-licence or pub, Trevor.   All that money taken over the weekend hasn’t been safely banked … … … … (I knew Martin, the landlord at the Rising Sun, well: I’d worked with him at the Hutton and the White Hart.   The couple of times he got raided … ?   Were Sunday nights.)


  1. (1)Emperor Palpatine (2)David Copperfield (3)Battle of Amiens (4) Edward Heath (5)Bernese Alps

  2. I spent a delightful day (ha, ha) cleaning my office yesterday. Today, I think I'll stare into space for a while, then maybe read a book. Or whatever! :)

    1. Emporer Palpatine
    2. David Copperfield
    3. the Battle of Amiens
    4. Sir Edward Heath (we have the same birthday, different years!)
    5. the Eiger


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