
Monday 12 August 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th August, 2019

12th August, 2019.

Yes: I think the day’s going to be a quiet one.

I have little to do: bar the house work, things for the Daily Teaser.

And, as a last resort … ?

I might just have to empty the bins.

Gosh, the excitement.


On a (literally) different note … ?

I noticed this piece on the BBC’s news pages.

It seems researchers have found many popular home devices can be hacked: and start emitting “deafening and disorienting sounds.”

I have to admit, the first time I heard about something like that … ?

Was in the various roleplaying games — like Cyberpunk 2020, for example — released in the wake of William Gibson’s Sprawl trilogy heavily implied just that*.

The cyberpunk future we anticipated?

Is getting nearer … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Isaac Singer was granted the patent for his sew machine: on 12th August, 1851.   By which country’s Patent Office?
Q2) NASA launched the Echo 1A on 12th August, 1960.   What type of satellite was it: a communications satellite, mapping satellite or weather satellite?
Q3) Police used tear gas on the Bogside, in Londonderry: on 12th August of which year?
Q4) More to the point, which (then) UK police force was it?
Q5) Finally … ?   12th August is — according to the UN — International what Day?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 11th August, 1944, saw the birth of Ian McDiarmid.   Who does he play in the Star Wars series of films?
A1) Emperor Palpatine: also known as Darth Sidious.
Q2) 11th August, 1937, saw the birth of actress, Anna Massey.   She played Jane Murdstone in the 1969, film version of which Charles Dickens novel??
Q3) 11th August, 1918, saw the end of which World War 1 battle?
Q4) 11th August, 1971, saw the Admiral’s Cup won by a British team: led by which Prime Minister?
Q5) Finally … ?   11th August, 1858, saw three mountaineers become To first to climb which of the Alps?
A5) The Eiger.
Here’s a thought …
“I prefer to fight a bigger guy. I don’t like fighting smaller guys; they give me problems with their agility.”
Tyson Fury, born 12 August 1988.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        The one that always stuck in my mind?   Cyberpunk 2020 sees many computer users plugging directly into a computer with something like a USB cable: from from the back of their necks, to a computer.   Crackers doing this?   Could be stopped from breaking into a target computer system, by protection software … that induced epileptic attacks.   Turning Alexa into a mosquito seems mild … 

†        Morning, Anne: how’s the day looking … ?

‡        That’s kind of why I bought the game controller for the AppleTV, Debbi.   I can score points for staring into space!   (I have to admit, I’ve given up on Moorcock’s Mother London: I really couldn’t get into it … )


  1. (1)American (2) communications (3)1969 (4) Royal Ulster Constabulary(5) Youth Day
    days is looking god thanks, hope life is treating you well

  2. Hmm ... don't know that one. Did you ever get around to The Cooler? :)

    1. the USA
    2. a communications satellite
    3. 1969
    4. the Royal Ulster Constabulary
    5. Youth


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