
Tuesday 13 August 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-8-2019: International Left Hander’s Day

13th August, 2019.

Yep: today’s post is sort of aimed at my fellow left-handers.   Oh, and anyone right handed who wants to give them a hug.


This tweet’s floated past.

The BBC’s most recent post about left handedness?   Was in December … of 2008.

You’d think they’d mention it, wouldn’t you … ?


At any rate?

I’m literally going to encourage my fellow lefties in introduce some anarchy.

Swop the kettles around.

Make sure the mouse* — or the trackpad — on the family computer has the buttons swapped around.

Stick up a poster, if possible.

Make sure the left handed scissors are at in the most prominent part of the kitchen drawer.   (And remind me to clean my kitchen drawer.)

Oh, one last thing … ?

Have a good day … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) As today is International Left Handers Day?   Paul McCartney^ is the  best known left handed member of the Beatles.   Which instrument did he play?
Q2) If you’re playing guitar left-handedly, what’s your right hand doing?
Q3) Tony Iommi is a noted left handed guitar player.   Who does he play guitar for?
Q4) Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopes wasn’t left handed.   But did perform with which band?
Q5) Director, Christopher Nolan, IS left handed.   What — in 1998 — was his first film?
Q6) Keanu Reeves is left handed.   Who does he voice in the video game, Cyberpunk 2077?
Q7) If you play billiards style sports left-handedly — billiards, snooker, pool, what have you — what hand are you bridging with?
Q8) George Herman ‘Babe’ Ruth was the left handed baseball player.   Did he pitch left-handedly?
Q9) Which Filipino senator is ALSO a southpaw boxer … who’s won in eight different weight divisions?
Q10) Finally … ?   If you’re an especially bad dancer, you’re said to have two left … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Isaac Singer was granted the patent for his sew machine: on 12th August, 1851.   By which country’s Patent Office?
A1) The USA’s.
Q2) NASA launched the Echo 1A on 12th August, 1960.   What type of satellite was it: a communications satellite, mapping satellite or weather satellite? 
Q3) Police used tear gas on the Bogside, in Londonderry: on 12th August of which year?
A3) 1969.
Q4) More to the point, which (then) UK police force was it?
A4) The Royal Ulster Constabulary, or RUC.
Q5) Finally … ?   12th August is — according to the UN — International what Day?
A5) International Youth Day.
Here’s a thought …
“Two and a half thousand left-handed people are killed every year using things made for right-handed people.”
The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox, Maggie O’Farrell.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*     You can watch this video about changing mice over: or read my post.   Annoy a right-hander, today … !

†      It’s looking good, so far, Anne!   (If you know a leftie, can you give them a hug for me, please?   Ta!)

‡        It’s wonderfully written, Debbi: Moorcock’s one of the writers.   I just couldn’t get into it!   And it’s funny you should mention it: it’s next in the pile, after The Final Reflection.   (Oh, can you and Rick hug a left-hander, please?   Ta!)

^        The other left-handed member is drummer, Ringo Starr.   They’re also the two surviving members of The Beatles.   What was that Maggie O’Farrell quote, again … ?


  1. 1)guitar (2) strumming(3)(Black Sabbath (4)Bosnian Rainbows (5)Following (6) Johnny Silverhand(7) left (8)left(9) Gerald Ford(10)feet
    Up till certain age I write with both hand, good morning all

  2. If I find one, I will. :)

    1. bass (mostly)
    2. handling the fingerboard
    3. Black Sabbath
    4. TLC
    5. Following
    6. Johnny Silverhand
    7. your right
    8. yes
    9. Manny Pacquiao
    10. feet


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