
Wednesday 11 September 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th September, 2019

19th September, 2019.

Yes: I’m shaggy.

No: not that Shaggy!

I don’t speak Jamaican English that well.

No: I’m thinking that I need a haircut.

And think I’ve just enough cash to afford one.


Oh, remember the interview I had, last week?

No, I’ve still not heard: one way or the other.

And frankly, don’t expect to.


I have been contacted by one member of the company’s Human Resources department about it.


They’re going to look into it, and let me know.

Frankly, I’m sceptical about hearing anything further.

But, at least, I’ve had some sort of response.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 11th September is Patriot Day in the US.   It marks the attacks on which New York landmark?
Q2) 11th September is Emergency Number day in the US.   What IS the US emergency phone number?
Q3) Which diamond was stolen from a London jewellers: on 11th September, 1980?
Q4) 11th September is the national day of Catalonia.   What’s the capital of Catalonia?
Q5) Finally … ?   11th September, 2018, saw the death of actress, Fenella Fielding.   In which series did she provide the Village Voice … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 10th September, 1946, saw the birth of drummer, Don Powell.   Who does he play drums for?
A1) Slade.
Q2) 10th September, 1948, saw the birth of Judy Geeson.   In which series did she play Victoria Brown?
A2) Doomwatch.
Q3) 10th September, 1967, saw Gibraltar vote in a referendum: to remain part of where?
A3) The UK.
Q4) Guinea-Bissau became independent: on 10th September, 1974.   From where?
A4) Portugal.
Q5) Finally … ?   Nine nations attended the Nyon conference: which opened on 10th September, 1937.   What was the conference about: human trafficking, piracy or tobacco smuggling?
A5) Piracy.
Here’s a thought …
“I think my parents had visions of me being found in the Thames with six illicit foetuses in my womb and needle marks up my arm.”
RIP Fenella Fielding, 17 November 1927 – 11 September 2018.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m looking forward to the next version of Chernobyl, Anne: I know that.   And go for it.   You’ve always come well, on camera: both confident and well turned out.   Don’t forget the panda, though!

†        I’ll be honest, Olga: I did about of phoning around, yesterday.   Yes: the meeting’s going to be at the new offices: I’ve messages from both sections to confirm it, and the central office has adding a a note to my file about it.   And quite a few other people’s files, as well.   Apparently, the Brentwood office is hearing quite a lot of this: as the central office is taking its time to make the change.   (That office sounds … complicated.   And possibly Prisoneresque: it and Paranoia relied on Kafkaesque!)

‡        It’s always the way, isn’t, Debbi?   We’re not as fit as we were … !   As my legs keep telling me.   Actually?   Boris — and the notably right wing Jacob Rees-Mogg — went to public school.   Apparently, Boris likes being called Ethel at weekends.   On a more serious note?   I think they’ve improved, since then.   They still have a reputation: but the do a good standard of education.   Which is why so many anti-public school Labour politicians like sending their kids to one.   Let me know if the video shows up … (Talking of video?   Someone get’s a mention in the Teaser video …)


  1. Manhattan,911, Marlborough diamond , Barcelona, The Prisoner
    Ah the Panda, erm he got crucified at Easter then rose from the Garden a few days later, unfortunately, my sins were not forgiven by him, and he is now in the spare room lol Thankyou I done video yesterday

  2. Q1) The Twin Towers (Or World Trade Center)
    Q2) 911
    Q3) The Marlborough diamond
    Q4) 11th September is the national day of Catalonia. What’s the capital of Catalonia? Barcelona! (I can’t imitate Montserrat Caballé, but you can add the soundtrack). By the way, our radio station has been chosen to host the official event in Barcelona, in Plaça Espanya, this afternoon. We were doing the sound checks yesterday. I’ll be on one of the mobile units (basically I’ll be wondering around at the end of the avenue chatting to people and it will be broadcast every so often over the sound system, so in theory we could have up to a million people listening, but it rained all yesterday and this morning, so we shall see…) The two young journalists (still in training) doing much of the talking from the studio in situ were a bit nervous, but to tell you the truth, nobody will see me (too many people, they’ll see them, though) so I’m not too bothered, although I hope it goes well. It would be good for the radio station and one never knows. Here a pic from Twitter of the preparations yesterday.
    Q5) The Prisoner

  3. Omigosh! :) That's priceless!

    1. the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center
    2. 911
    3. the Marlborough diamond
    4. Barcelona
    5. The Prisoner (one of the most innovative TV shows ever)

    BTW, I watched the first episode of Chernobyl. Wow! Looks interesting.

    I noticed Craig Mazin is the writer/producer. I met him briefly once at Austin Film Festival. He's well-known among screenwriters.


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