
Thursday 12 September 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-9-2019: Marathon

12th September, 2019.

Right … 

I’ve HAD the haircut I was talking about, yesterday.

And, it has to be said, I feel a lot less shaggy!

It’s only minor … 

But it’s nice to have done … !


Something that’s not nice … ?

And that’s been causing a riot on at least one Terry Pratchett group I’m in … ?

Is The Watch, the upcoming BBC America adaptions of Sir Terry Pratchett’s Night Watch series of novels.

I’m … 

I’m not happy.

I noticed this article, yesterday, announcing the cast.

I’m … … 

I can cope with Richard Dormer bagging the key role of Commander Vimes.

Although I’d’ve preferred Idris Elba.

But I’m more concerned about other elements.

For a start … ?

Lara Rossi’s been cast as Sybil Ramkin: wife to Sam Vimes.

Her ethnicity isn’t an issue for me: although I’m aware others may not believe that.

The simple fact is the usual authorised pictures of Sybil — those by Paul Kidby, who did much of the  art for the later Discworld covers — present Sybil as a larger lady.   She’s supposed to be able to handle half a dozen dragons on a leash.

Ms Rossi’s too slim, in other word: slim enough that the phrase ‘fat shaming’ can be thrown into the conversation.

This version of Sybil is also described as a ‘vigilante.’

When the original character — in the novels — runs a dragon sanctuary*.

There’s other things.

Carcer?   Gets described in the article as ‘wronged and wounded.’

As a HELL of a lot more sympathetic as he actually is.


Isn’t being played by a redhead: nor does he seem to be carrot shaped.

The article tells us Carrot gets trained by Constable Angua: who doesn’t join the Watch until a couple of books after Carrot.

And as for Cheery … ?

The character’s described as a ‘non-binary forensics expert’: making her sound like like an LGBTQ activist, looking to carve out a third gender space.

She’s not.

She’s a dwarf woman, struggling to get her femininity recognised in the extremely sexist dwarf society.

Just a BIT different.


Given what I’ve seen … ?

I’m going nowhere near this series.

I don’t think it’s going to be anything like the Terry Pratchett novels I know.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf†, Olga‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Debbi and Olga scoring three scoring five out of five, and Anne on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 12th September is the accepted date for the Battle of Marathon.   But in which year: 490BC, 491BC or 492BC?
Q2) The battle was between the Athenians, and an invasion force from where: Turkey, Persia or Syria?
Q3) Marathon itself, is in which country?
Q4) According to an old myth about the battle, news of the Athenian victory was taken home: by a runner called … what?
Q5) Finally … ?   The battle’s inspired a what: a race, a car or a zoo?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 11th September is Patriot Day in the US.   It marks the attacks on which New York landmark?
A1) The 9/11 attacks on theWorld Trade Centre.   (That was 18 years ago.   Time flies.)
Q2) 11th September is Emergency Number day in the US.   What IS the US emergency phone number?
A2) 911.
Q3) Which diamond was stolen from a London jewellers: on 11th September, 1980?
Q4) 11th September is the national day of Catalonia.   What’s the capital of Catalonia?
A4) Barcelona.
Q5) Finally … ?   11th September, 2018, saw the death of actress, Fenella Fielding.   In which series did she provide the Village Voice … ?
Here’s a thought …
“The Athenians prevailed, then followed the fleeing Persians and struck them down. When they reached the sea they demanded fire and laid hold of the Persian ships.”
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        The Discworld has at least two species of dragon.   The largely non-existent Noble dragons.   And the FAR smaller, and more common, Swamp dragons.   About the size of a dog: and the sort of creature looked after by dragon sanctuaries, everywhere.

†        We have a DEAD panda, Anne!?   There’s possibly a whole thing going on there!   At ANY rate … ?   Have you got a link to that tweet?   I’m blowed if I could find it, yesterday!

‡        Wowsa!   Looks like someone had one HELL of a day, there, Olga!   It’s a shame the weather put a dampener on it!   But you’re right, it should do well, there.   And, as it’s you … ?   I’ll dig up the song ….  (Freddie and Montserrat did a hair raising tune there.)

^        Who, me or Boris, Debbi?   🤣   You did … ?   You know, I have to admit, I don’t think I’ve seen anything else by Craig Mazin: I’ll have to keep my eyes open.   And you’re right about Chernobyl: it’s rather good.   Actually?   One of the characters, Akimov, the Sam Troughton character says “Don’t worry - we did everything right. Something strange must have happened.”   Apparently, Mazin didn’t write that.   He lifted it from the real world logs of the disaster!   It’s what Akimov, himself, said on the day … !


  1. 1) 490BC
    Q2) Persia
    Q3) Greece
    Q4) Pheidippides or Philippides
    Q5) A race
    Great haircut (I think mine is fast approaching as well). Sorry about the Discworld adaptation. It sounds like one at least I won't need to worry about not watching.
    In the end the day worked out quite well. It rained in the morning but was sunny and quite hot in the afternoon. I had a sound technician accompanying me as I went looking for random people to interview. It was rather fun as people would happily agree to talk and then they realised they were going out live on the speaker and everybody could hear them! I think it worked well, considering, and it's an opportunity to do something different.

  2. 490bc, Persia,Greece, Pheidippides , race
    I think Ive retweeted the right one, the panda isnt in that one. I am gona get the panda a dracula costume lol

  3. Adapting true stories takes great skill. Actually, adapting from novels and such takes a certain skill set that some writers simply don't have or try to cultivate.

    Man, I'm going to have to give the latest Terry Pratchett adaptation a pass. Sounds like a disaster to me. :(

    Although, your descriptions made me laugh!

    1. 490 BC
    2. Persia
    3. Greece
    4. Pheidippides
    5. a race


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