
Tuesday 10 September 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th September, 2019.

10th September, 2019.

Right … 

I can officially — ha! — say that I managed to catch some TV, last night.

The first episode of Chernobyl, so you know.

It’s … 

Well, it looks rather good: and will do me good, until my favourites re-start.

Or El Ministerio del Tiempo’s fourth season turns up!


As for Parliament?   At least the House of Commons?

Well … ?

I know my usual position is the PMQs — Prime Minister’s Questions —is possibly the most entertaining thing on TV: especially given the Brexit situation.

It turns out that — in watching Chernobyl? — I managed to get to bed early.

The parliamentary rioting didn’t finish until about two in the morning.


To top everything else?

I have a meeting at the Job Centre on Friday: quite why, I don’t know.

The problem?

Is that the central office tell me it’s at the office around the corner from me.

Of course … the the actual office … have told me the Job centre’s moved to the Town Hall.

I think the word is Hmmm … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi five out of five, and Anne and Olga on four..

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 10th September, 1946, saw the birth of drummer, Don Powell.   Who does he play drums for?
Q2) 10th September, 1948, saw the birth of Judy Geeson.   In which series did she play Victoria Brown?
Q3) 10th September, 1967, saw Gibraltar vote in a referendum: to remain part of where?
Q4) Guinea-Bissau became independent: on 10th September, 1974.   From where?
Q5) Finally … ?   Nine nations attended the Nyon conference: which opened on 10th September, 1937.   What was the conference about: human trafficking, piracy or tobacco smuggling?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 9th September is Emergency Services Day, in the UK.   Name any one of the four UK emergency services.
A1) The police, fire and rescue services (fire brigade), ambulance service or coastguards.
Q2) New Scotland Yard is the HQ for the London branch of which Emergency service?   (We want the emergency service: NOT the name of the force.)
A2) The police: it’s the Metropolitan Police HQ.
Q3) What’s the UK’s emergency phone number?
A3) 999.
Q4) One type of Emergency services vehicle has at least one driver: and one paramedic.   Which type?
A4) An Ambulance.
Q5) Finally … ?   How many fire brigades are there in England: 45, 47 or 49?
A5) Forty-five. (45.)
Here’s a thought …
“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”
Cyril Connolly, 10 September 1903 – 26 November 1974.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That reminds me, Anne: I’m going to have to change my living room around.   Mind you, I’ve got it how I like it.   The Dæmons?   I’ve not seen that one for years, I’m going to have to sit down with some Pertwee, again!   As for the weekend … ?   Well … !

†        Yes, I knew the word, Olga: it’s only when I looked it up I realised it was a formality.   It’s a bit like the Royal Warrant you get on food, over here, isn’t it?   If stuff gets bought by the Queen?   (Oh, I caught Chernobyl: it looks good … )

‡        Brexit’s complicating a lot, Debbi.   For starters?   The New IRA have been … acting up.   And Parliament, last night … ?   Got seriously televised.   It’s getting hard to tell the difference between the BBC News channel, and BBC Parliament.   They were both airing the the Commons, last night.   (You volunteered for fire-fighting duty?   I’m impressed!)


  1. Slade,Doomwatch.Britain,Portugal.Piracya Today I may record a video for twitter, not sure as Im not feeling that confident with the cam at the moment. just anxiety, and then I need think am I gonna waffle on about horror or just say look like I'm very sad person with narrow life at the moment. Need to think on that one lol Hope you enjoy your tV shows

  2. Q1) Slade
    Q2) She played Victoria Brown in Doomwatch, but it seems it was a movie not a series (I’ve never heard of it).
    Q3) Do I need to answer this? Let’s not go there. It reminds me of an anecdote. A friend of mine from school, I think we must have been around 12 or 13 at the time, told me she had asked her father what he would say if she decided to marry a black man. He told her he wouldn’t have any objection. But, he added, he wouldn’t give her permission to marry an Englishman unless the UK government returned Gibraltar to Spain. I don’t think she married an Englishman (I haven’t seen her for many years) but know she was the mayor of a small town a few years back…
    Q4) Portugal
    Q5) Piracy
    I hope it’s not bad news about the job centre and you can find where you’re supposed to go. My mother had to go to pick up a travel card and they gave us the address. The address was easy to find, but it wasn’t a building that had anything to do with the town, the town hall, or one of the district offices. The actual building was like a beehive full of doors and doors in each floor, each one being an office (sometimes the headquarters) for a different company, not all of them listed, so it was quite an adventure to try to find anything. To add to the confusion, there was also a supermarket underground, and a big gym at street level, all in the same place. Luckily we managed to locate an information desk, and although we had to go through the car park to get to the lifts (?), on the way we met somebody who actually worked in the office we were looking for (there were some signs, but those were very close to the actual office, so if you had no idea where it was, you’d never find it). Kafkian came to mind.
    I’ve heard good things about Chernobyl, but as I told you, these days I don’t seem to be in the mood for series or much telly.

  3. Thanks! The biggest obstacle? Picking up heavy equipment. And my schedule with work and college. The pace I kept back then ... well ... :)

    Oh, man, your Parliament is so ... vocal! I love that! :)

    And what a burn on Boris Johnson! :)

    1. Slade
    2. Doomwatch
    3. Britain
    4. Portugal
    5. piracy

    I've been reading George Orwell's essay about his time in boarding school. It's both horrible and funny. And I'm so glad I didn't go to an English boarding school! :)


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