
Thursday 19 September 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-9-2019: Talk Like A Pirate Day

19th September, 2019.

Yes: I know it’s Talk Like a Pirate Day … 

But, sadly?

It’s also veteran Today presenter, John Humphrys, last showª.

That’s rather sad.

The man’s been scaring politicians for the past thirty-two years.

That’s a much needed function.

If nothing else?

He’s savaged former PM, David Cameron, about the referendum.

That’s a good thing, from where I’m sitting.

It’s just a shame Boris Johnson’s refused to appear on today’s show.

Say no more … 


JUST as a quick thought … ?

I’m a Dr Who fan: you knew that, didn’t you?

So the fact that one or two sites are reporting Stephen Fry* is rumoured is shooting for the next series of the show?

Is interesting … 

But I’ll believe when I see him in an episode.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Badwolf‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Johnny Depp plays Jack Sparrow: in which piratical franchise?
Q2) Robert Newton, Ian McShane and Hugh Jackman have all played which pirate?
Q3) Pirate, Long John Silver, appears in Treasure Island.   Who wrote Treasure Island?
Q4) In one popular meme, pirates are the enemies of whom: samurai, ninja or geisha?
Q5) Finally … ?   The Orions in Star Trek, the Starjammers, in the X-Men comics, and Black Barney, from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, are all what kind of pirate?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Nerva was named as Roman Emporer: on 18th September, AD96.   Nerva was the first emperor of which dynasty?
A1) The Nervan-Antonine.
Q2) The Royal Opera House opened on 18th September, 1809.  Was this the first, second or third building on the site?
A2) The second.
Q3) Which country of the UK voted against independence on 14th September, 2014?
A3) Scotland.
Q4) 18th September, 1905, saw the birth of actress, Greta Garbo.   Which of her films was advertised with the tagline, “Garbo talks”?
A4) Anna Christie.
Q5) 18th September, 1972, saw refugees staring to arrive in the UK.   Refugees from which African nation?
A5) Uganda.
Here’s a definition …
“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary (1911).
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

ª        Turns out he was the first reporter on site at the Aberfan disaster … !

*        The article linked to, there?   Says he’s finished shooting on the first episode.   Considering filming started in January of this year, I’m not convinced he’s about that … 

†        Work went nicely, Olga: busy enough to keep me on me toes!   That view must have been seriously worth it, though!   (We’ve a LOT of new flats on Brentwood High Street: opposite the pub used in TOWIE.   I can’t imagine the view’s as good.   Especially at two o’clock on a Friday morning!)

‡        I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, Anne!   (Oh, my mate’s AppleTV turned up.   He’s been complaining about the remote!)

^        Didn’t he go to Yale, Debbi?   JFK, that is … ?   I’ll google it, later … !


  1. Q1) Pirates of the Caribbean
    Q2) Blackbeard
    Q3) Robert Louis Stevenson
    Q4) Ninja
    Q5) Space pirates
    Shame about John Humphrys, although I guess he must be keen on having some time off (who knows? Perhaps he'll end up in Radio 2!). Keep us informed on Stephen Fry's front. I would be interesting, for sure...

  2. Pirates of the Caribbean, Blackbeard,Robert Louis Stevenson, ninjas,space pirate. Love the intro Good morning
    Well I am looking to adding extra memory to this PC in the new year, I will have a go at putting it in myself as seen it done a few times. My meds came so I'm happy, well sort happy or as happy as I can be lol

  3. I wouldn't doubt it, actually. :)

    1. Pirates of the Caribbean
    2. Blackbeard
    3. Robert Louis Stevenson
    4. ninja
    5. space pirates


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