
Wednesday 4 September 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-9-2019: The Big Game Show

4th September, 2019.

You know … I expected Brexit to be done, by now.

No, really: I expected — with great sadness — to see my country out of the European Union.

Much to my country’s great shame, and loss.

But … 

Over the past few years, we haven’t.

For various reasons.

Last night … ?

Last night, Boris Johnson’s administration lost a key vote in the House of Commons.

And … ?

And, as a result, withdrew the whip from twenty-one rebel Tory MPs: including Tory veteran, Ken Clarke.

The government majority?

Has now gone for a Burton.

Usually … ?

I’m assuming there’s going to be a General Election.

But you never know … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The longest running game show in the USA debuted on 4th September: what’s it called?
Q2) It debuted in which year of the 1970s?
Q3) The original host was a man called Bob Barker.   The current host is Drew … who?
Q4) This 1970s version of the show is the second version.   The original start in which year of the 1950s?
Q5) Finally … ?   This version of the show is aired on which US channel: ABC, NBC or CBS?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) World War 2 started on 3rd September: of which year?
A1) 1939.
Q2) It’s therefore which anniversary of the start of World War 2: the 75th, 80th or 85th?   (Careful, Olga!)
A2) The 80th anniversary.
Q3) The war started when the UK declared war on which German speaking nation?
A3) Germany.
Q4) That county had two main allies: name one of those allies.
A4) Japan or Italy.
Q5) Those countries were known as the what: the Axis, Spindle or League?
A5) The Axis.
Q6) The UK was one of four Allies.   The Big Four consisted of the UK, the USA, the USSR … and who else?
A6) China.
Q7) Neville Chamberlain announced the UK’s declaration, by radio: at 11:15.   Which government position did he hold at the time? 
Q8) During the War, Ireland, Yemen, Vatican City and Switzerland were what?
Q9) Nationalist Spain didn’t formally take part in the war.   Who was its leader?
Q10) Finally … ?   Notoriously, Nazi Germany committed mass murder: against Jews, Gypsies, Freemasons, Poles and many others.   These killings are collectively known as which H?
A10) The Holocaust.
Here’s a catchphrase …
“Come on down … !!”
The Show’s catchphrase.
And a big clue!

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Sad it is, Anne: I’ve half an idea who it was, but won’t know ’til we hear.   It’s … well … what can I tell you?   At any rate, I watched Lord of Illusion, last night.   Hmmm … I’m not sure I took to it.   Oh, there WAS talk of a Hellraiser remake at one point.   Complete with a redesigned Pinhead.

†        Yeah, I saw the reports go past on the BBC’s site, Olga^.   It’s … well … I get the impression Spain’s mountainous regions as as nasty — if not nastier — than the Scottish Highlands.   I wouldn’t be holding my hopes up … 

‡        What can I tell you, Debbi?   I try … !   At least I hope I try!   At least I think I hope I … yeah, you get my point!

^        Oddly enough, Olga, Mount Mulhacén gets a mention in Julian May’s Saga of Exiles.   A group has to retrieve some high-tech aircraft hidden on it.


  1. (1)The Price Is Right (2)1972 (3)Drew Carey (4) 1956(5)CBS

  2. (1)The Price Is Right (2)1972 (3)Drew Carey (4) 1956(5)CBS

  3. Q1) The Price is Right
    Q2) 1972
    Q3) Carey
    Q4) 1956
    Q5) CBS
    Yes, I expect bad news as well, although it could take a while (finding Blanca, I mean). It's incredible the mess politicians are making of everything to be honest. Here it looks like a possible general election coming up as well, because the Socialist Party (PSOE) won the elections but doesn't have the necessary numbers and doesn't seem to be willing or able to make a deal to govern so... And here on the 11th of September, the national day of Catalonia, it could get interesting, as we're still waiting to hear what the judges say about the nationalist politicians in prison (the sentence is due some time this month).

  4. I think I know what you mean. At least, I think I'm thinking ... never mind! :)

    1. The Price is Right
    2. 1972
    3. Carey
    4. 1956
    5. CBS


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