
Friday 6 September 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th September, 2019.

6th September, 2019.

Yes: I officially have stuff going on.

Officially?   I have an interview on, at four o’clock: for a local bookies.

Yes, it’s the one I had reservations about, yesterday.

After a lot of persuasion?   I’ve decided to go along.

What’ll happen, whether I’ll get the job … ?   Considering I didn’t last time?

Who knows … 


You’ve probably worked out, over the years, that I’m something of an Apple fan.

Hadn’t you … ?

At least, certainly a technology watcher.

So … ?

Something grabbed me, yesterday: this piece informs us that Amazon are planning to introduce their own branded smart TV: and sell it in the UK, at Currys/PC World.

I’m … 

I remember — around the time of Steve Jobs’ death, in 2011 — that there were rumours that Apple were going to introduce a Smart TV: rather than the streaming box we see, today, and at a time when Smart TVs were a lot rarer than they are, today.

I believed that, after reading Jobs’ biography, and from the various bits and bobs from various Apple watchers.

In the wake of his death?

Nothing happened.   Not a thing.

We saw the upgraded streaming box: which is great, I should add, and very different to earlier versions.

But no actual Apple Smart TV.

I concluded that the Smart TV was a Jobs lead project, and one that died with him.

Which is a shame.

And, from a company with a reputation for innovating, and making innovative devices, a seriously dropped ball.

Fast forward to today?

Fast forward to today, and — seemingly — Amazon are apparently planning their own smart tv: following the likes of Microsoft, and Apple itself, in making hardware as well as software, and other services.


I think Apple stopped innovating.

That’s not a good thing.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw , Olga*, Badwolf† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring nine out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 6th September, 1947, saw the birth of singer, Sylvester.   In which year did he die of AIDS?
Q2) 6th September, 1958, saw the birth of singer, Buster Bloodvessel.   He was the front man of which ska band?
Q3) David Mark Berger, Youssef Gutfreund, and Kehat Shorr were Israeli athletes: who all died on 6th September, 1972.   At which event?
Q4) 6th August is Unification Day.   In which European country?
Q5) Finally … ?   6th September, 2018, saw the death of Burt Reynolds.   In which film did he play Jack Horner?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Britain’s first trunk call from a pay phone took place on 5th September.   In which year of the 1950s?
A1) 1959.
Q2) In which city: Aberdeen, Bristol or Chelmsford?
A2) Bristol.
Q3) That call was a trunk call.   In other words, made without a what: handset, phone line or operator?
A3) Operator.
Q4) What was the largest coin the original box took: 3d, 6d or 1 shilling?
Q5) The classic British phone box — the K1 to K8 models — were usually painted what colour?
A5) Red.
Q6) Cream coloured phone boxes were used where: Inverness, Kingston upon Hull or London?
A6) Kingston upon Hull: usually just called Hull.
Q7) The KX series are the UK’s recent model of phone box.   What, technically, could you do in a KX box … that you couldn’t in a K series box?
A7) Technically?   Smoke.   The old red boxes are enclosed public spaces: so you can’t smoke in them.   You CAN smoke in newer models: as they’re not enclosed.   I really could’ve worded that better … !
Q8) Gilbert MacKenzie Trench designed a well known type of blue phone box.   That box is now featured in which TV show?
A8) Dr Who.   It’s the TARDIS …
Q9) In which film is Colin Farrell menaced by a sniper?
Q10) Finally … ?   Many phone boxes are being phased out: as more of us use what?
A10) Mobile phones: also called cell phones in the US.
Here’s a thought …
“Either you write songs or you don’t. And if you do write songs like I do, I think there’s a natural desire to want to make records.”
Roger Waters of Pink Floyd, born 6 September 1943.
And a Roger Waters penned song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah, I saw that go past on the news, yesterday, Olga^.   It’s sad to hear … but it wasn’t surprising.   And, yes: we’ll see about the elections.   We living in interesting times!   And thanks: I THINK I’m going to need it … 

†        Oh, heck sounds serious, Anne^: wish you mum well for me!   And you’ve never owned a mobile?   Shame, that, you’ve possibly missed a trick or two.   Oh, how do you feel about Gemma Arterton?   Byzantium and The Girl With All The Gifts are great … !

‡        Oh, yes!   I think the House of Commons is getting … interesting, Debbi^.   The debates in the House?   I getting watchable … 

^        Oh, yesterday’s Q7?   The answers was smoking … 


  1. (1) 1988(2) Bad Manners(3) Munich massacre:(4) )Bulgaria (5)Boogie Nights
    I will look those films up, trouble with me is, I get wrapped up in classic Horror extra I miss out sometimes on film in the last few years. Yes, the last mobile I had was Sony Erricson, I had everything on it, and it was addicted, wherever I went I took a video and uploaded it online. Thank you, Mom, is hopefully on the mend, however, she is 77 and it's all health issue, they took her off her antidepressant as it clashes with other meds now, so its good days and bad days

  2. Q1) 1988
    Q2) Bad Manners
    Q3) At the Munich Olympic Games (The Munich Massacre)
    Q4) 6th of September rather than August…. Bulgaria
    Q5) Boogie Nights
    Good luck! (I know the situation is different now and you have mixed feelings about this, but even then, it's good to have a chance and a choice).

  3. That was an interesting question set. Always did wonder about those red phone booths. Very cool, actually! :)

    1. 1988
    2. Bad Manners
    3. the Olympics in Munich
    4. Bulgaria
    5. Boogie Nights


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