
Monday 14 October 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 2 — 402 Payment Required — A Review

14th October, 2019.

It has to be said, that’s a thing … 

Possibly good, possibly bad … but none the less … a thing.

Being a job hunter, that is.

It means I have time on my hand.

Absolutely no cash: but plenty of time.

Plenty of time to at least experiment.

It seems Apple’s new Music app — one of the company’s replacements for the now gone Mac version of iTunes — includes the ability to embed a song in one of your playlist.

I’m writing this piece with Pages, I should add: and will paste it into the New Post form on the Old Peculiar, once it’s done.

So I won’t know how that Vangelis tune will look, until I hit publish.

At any rate … ?

To have time, at the moment, to experiment

To complain about some of the glitches in Catalina.

And frankly?

To watch TV.

Yes: I’ve watched another episode of Mr Robot, Series 4 … 


Episode 2 — 402 Payment Required — opens: with Phillip Price (Michael Cristofer) telling Elliot about the Deus Group.

And names missing E-Corp employee, Susan Jacobs (Sandrine Holt) as the E Corp operative that had access to the Deus bank accounts.

The reason Jacobs is missing?

Is that Darlene (Carly Chaikin) had killed her at the start of season two

That’s just the START of Elliot and Darlene’s issues.

Their mother dies … 

And Elliot?   Has more personality than he thinks.


Now …

I have to admit, this episode was a little slower than last weeks: giving us more about the Alderson family’s background, and Elliot’s mental condition.


It was interesting to see.

About my only complaint?

Is that it didn’t have enough action — or outright hacking — for my satisfaction.

I hope that improves.

We’ll have to see what happens, next week!

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