
Monday 28 October 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 4 — 404 Not Found — A Review

28th October, 2019.

Hmm …

Yeah …

It’s been a long, quiet day.

Well, bar jobhunting, and and picking up a decongestant inhaler.

And putting stuff together for Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar.

With the telly on.

According to the news?

Boris’s planned election on 12th December will now not go ahead: as it didn’t the parliamentary support it needed, today.

So they’re planning to do it again, tomorrow.

The arguments were STILL going on, on the BBC’s news channel, at gone 6, today.

Which got me changing channel to watch the News at Six.

And then settling in for an episode of Series 4 of Mr Robot

ANYTHING to get away from Brexit … !


Episode 4 — 404 Not Found — Tyrell (Martin Wallström) has managed to hijack the van that’s been tracking he and Elliot (Rami Malek): knocking the driver unconscious in the process.

That … ?

Soon proves unwise.

As the driver makes off with the van, once Tyrell, Elliot, and the ever present Mr Robot (Christian Slater) leave it to stock up on petrol.

Meanwhile … ?

Darlene has something of an awkward encounter with a Santa impersonator …

And Agent DiPierro (Grace Gummer) is having disturbing, and realistic, dreams.

Ones with a warning


Now I’ll admit that’s a very short summary: that possibly doesn’t do 404 Not Found justice.

I don’t know that anything could.

It is — as with all Mr Robot episodes — an amazingly shot and composed piece: with the scenes of Elliot, Tyrell and Mr Robot making their way through the wilder parts of the state looking nothing other than gorgeously foggy.

They’re a highlight, I think.

Then there’s the miniature arcs for both Agent DiPierro and Darlene: seeing some — some — resolution for both.

Resolution … and, in Agent DiPierro’s case, a subconscious warning: that the Dark Army are everywhere.

My only question, right now?

What — at the end of the episode — is Tyrell looking at?

I hope we don’t have long to wait …

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