
Monday 28 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-10-2019: International Animation Day

28th October, 2019.

Yep: I’m officially getting old.

I managed to get one of those decongestant inhalers, yesterday: something you can get to help clear a blocked nose.

They’re  usually cheap … and helpful, this time of year.

And guess what I managed to do … ?

I managed to waste £1·50: and forget to put it into my shopping bag.

Anne, Debbi, Olga?

Can one of you kick me: I’d only miss!


Oh, just as a quick question … ?

Were you ever a fan of the band, Nirvana?

It seems that the cardigan Kurt Cobain wore at the band’s famous Unplugged gig was sold for some $334, 000: about £260, 000.

Which is nice.

Mind you … ?

I think they could’ve given it a wash, first … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Anne*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 28th October is International Animation Day.   It marks the first use of the Théâtre Optique: in which city?
Q2) Traditional animation involved painting images on transparent sheets: made of what?
Q3) The Nightmare Before Christmas, Morph and The Trap Door are examples of what: traditional cel animation, computer animation or stop motion animation?
Q4) Daumenkinothumb cinema — is the German word for what sort of simple animation?
Q5) Finally … ?   A person who makes animations is a what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 27th October saw Catalonia declare its independence.   From where?
A1) Spain.
Q2) In which year?
A2) 2017.
Q3) The Declaration was signed by at least seventy members of Catalonia’s what: High Court, Parliament or Cabinet?
A3) Parliament.   (Parlament de Catalunya in Catalan,   Parlamento de Cataluña in Spanish, and Parlament de Catalonha in Occitan.)
Q4) That signing took place in the Catalan capital.   What is that capital?
A4) Barcelona.
Q5) Finally … ?   Had the Declaration been successful?   Had the Declaration been accepted, Catalonia would have become what: a monarchy, a republic or a theocracy?
A5) A republic.   (I THINK I managed to find a relevant page … in Scots English … !)
Here’s a thought …
“Animation can explain whatever the mind of man can conceive.”
Walt Disney.
And a animation linked …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, blimey, I’ll have to dig those up, Anne: I know I had The Time Warrior on, last night, while I was working on some videos.   Did you know the producers want Bob Hoskins to play Irongron?   He turned it down, apparently.   I’ll have to let you know about the horrors, thought: I’ve a couple of TV show I want to write about at some point.   I dod know I’ve got the Directors cut of Midsommar sitting around.   It looks interestingly grim.

†        It was the least I could say, Olga.   Hopefully?   The fact he wants to finish the book may help: I’m told positive psychological factors can be help in treatment.   Even given experimental treatment.   But what do I know?   Wish them well, though!   (You’re right, voter fatigue’s a thing.   That’s assuming parliament can figure out what day it should have an election on … and the relevant EU body decides on the extension … )

‡        I remember it well, Debbi!   😁   You know, I’ll have to see if the books are still there!   At some point!   I still remember Café Nero.   (Sound like you won’t need the sign … !)


  1. Paris,plastic called celluloid sheets,stop motion,flip book, animator
    Well I watched the Romans the other day, erm yesterday watched then The Ark. that film looks good Midsommar,so think I will try it if I can find it . Thanks

  2. Q1) Paris
    Q2) Celluloid
    Q3) Stop motion animation
    Q4) Flip book or flick book animation
    Q5) An animator
    I've always been fascinated by animation, although I can draw worth a penny, but love the idea and the imagination. I'll keep you posted on my friend. And don't worry about forgetting something. I'm happy I have my head attached to my body (for the time being at least), otherwise...

  3. Cafe Nero was one of favorite signings! Obviously! :)

    1. Paris
    2. celluloid
    3. stop motion animation
    4. a flip book
    5. animator


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