
Sunday 27 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-10-2019: Independence

27th November, 2019.

Yes: it’s official.

I’ve gotten a good night’s sleep … because of clocks.

Or, at least, because of clocks going back, at one — or possibly two — in the morning.

I’m sort of thankful.

I managed to watch the Andrei Tarkovsky version of Solaris, last night.

At two hours and forty-seven minutes?

It’s a bit on the long side.


I can’t help but notice that Westminster’s Liberal Democrats and Scottish Nationalists, have joined together: and want to try and trigger a general election on the 9th December, this years.

Rather than on the 12th of December, as suggested by Boris Johnson.

Between them, they represent a hefty chunk of parliamentary seats.

I’ve got my own issue with both dates, frankly.

Politicians, everywhere, encourage the likes of you and me to vote for someone.

Like any of us, they want to keep their jobs.

One way of encouraging that, is to make sure voters turn up to vote.

One way to contribute towards that?

Is simply to make sure elections are held in spring, summer, or early autumn.

When the weather’s nice.

Whether an election is held on 9th December, or 12th December?

I think the fact some MPs want it in December means that the (potentially bad) weather will mean an election has a low voter out.

I can’t see that benefitting anyone … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?   (Very aware I’m treading a fine line!)

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 27th October saw Catalonia declare its independence.   From where?
Q2) In which year?
Q3) The Declaration was signed by at least seventy members of Catalonia’s what: High Court, Parliament or Cabinet?
Q4) That signing took place in the Catalan capital.   What is that capital?
Q5) Finally … ?   Had the Declaration been successful?   Had the Declaration been accepted, Catalonia would have become what: a monarchy, a republic or a theocracy?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 26th October saw the birth of actor, Bob Hoskins.   In which year?
A1) 1942.
Q2) Bob’s first appearance in a TV series, as a main character?   Was a show called On thewhat?
A2) On the Move.   (I can ever remember the theme tune!)
Q3) Bob’s breakthrough appearance was in the series, Pennies from Heaven.   Who wrote Pennies from Heaven?
A3) The famously controversial, Dennis Potter.
Q4) He voiced adverts for British Telecom: that told us it’s “good to … ” what?
A4) Talk.   There … 
Q5) In 1982, he played the manager of a band: in The Wall.   Which band?
A5) Pink Floyd.
Q6) Bob directed 1988’s The Raggedy Rawney.   Who played Tom, the main character?
A6) Dexter Fletcher.   (Fletcher also played Baby Face in Bugsy Malone.)
Q7) One Bob Hoskins film is ranked 19, in their The 100 Best British Films.   The film sees Bob playing gangster, Harold Shand.   What’s that film’s name?
A7) The Long Good Friday.   (It also sees a very early appearance from an obscure Irish actor.)
Q8) His only Emmy winning TV role was in a Jimmy McGovern series: called what?
Q9) He was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for which 1986 film?
A9) Mona Lisa.
Q10) Finally … ?   Bob suffered from hallucinations: after playing Eddie Valiant.   In which film did he play Eddie Valiant?
A10) Who Framed Roger Rabbit.   (I can’t help but wonder is Andy Serkis, and any actors who work with green screen, and CGI, have similar issues.)
Here’s a thought …
“I assume the mandate of the people for Catalonia to become an independent state … ”
Former Catalonian President, Carles Puigdemont: translated from his speech, after the original Referendum.
And an anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Life’s a funny old thing, isn’t it, Anne?   I have to admit, I’ve managed to keep hold of my Twitter account by doing a lot of policing: God knows what would happen if I was stressed out!   (You always seem to cope very well, I know that.).  Anything we can do … ?

†        I think The Singing Detective’s possibly the only show that’s comparable to The Prisoner, Olga.   At least, it’s the only one that’s quite as atmospheric!   I keep meaning to watch more Potter, I know that: Blackeyes didn’t quite hit the mark … but Blue Remembered Hills?   Is supposed to be the stuff of legend.   I’m not surprised about Bob Hoskins’ play watching habits: I’ve always got The impression actors like to get tips, by watching other actors.   I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you friend: Lymphoma’s nasty, if I’ve understood things correctly.   (Oh … this was the #Teaser I was worried about: I’m just hoping it doesn’t cause any offence!)

‡        One stop, Debbi?   That’s handy, you won’t have to feed too many groupies!


  1. Spain,2017,parliament,Barcelona, Republic
    Thankyou, If you do anymore Horror reviews let me know, as want try throw myself in that direction and Doctor Who, Watching the classics and added documentaries, so interesting. Watched Romans recent, and The Chase .

  2. Q1) Spain
    Q2) 2017
    Q3) Parliament
    Q4) Barcelona
    Q5) A republic
    I know I have an unfair advantage here. You’ve gone with the facts, so I don’t think there should be much comeback from it, at least so I hope. Thanks for your kind wishes for my friend. The medical team was waiting for test results, and then they might have to consider stem-cell transplant (I know he had had some of his stem-cells removed for it already, although I can imagine the problem would be how well we would tolerate the preliminaries of that, as he’s already had problems with milder treatments, but fingers crossed), both his own, and if that doesn’t work, others. Both his parents died recently, but he has a sister and a brother, although compatibility would be an issue. He has a couple of sons as well. Mind you, when he can he keeps working on the third book of his trilogy…
    Elections… We have one coming up next month. Again… I’m sure there should be a syndrome called “election exhaustion”. And the costs…

  3. I have none, which makes it even easier!

    Although, I did sign a book for one person who saw my guest post on the Howard County blogger's blog! So, you see, local action works. In fact, I think it makes for better blogging.

    I realize that's one reason I started reading your blog. (Apart from Doctor Who, music, and teasers!) It made me feel like I was ... there. In England. In Brentwood! Especially those photos from the Brentwood Library. The ones you put up before I went there. The protests. Remember? :) And then I donated them some books ... remember? :)

    Oh, the teaser!

    1. Spain
    2. 2017
    3. Parliament
    4. Barcelona
    5. a republic


I love it when someone comments. But, having had anonymous comments I feel may be libellous, actionable or just plain offensive, over the years?

I’d appreciate you* leaving your name — with a link to your website or social-media profile†, for preference — before you post a comment.

Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

Contentious, actionable or abusive posts left anonymously will not be posted. Nor will comments using offensive pseudonyms or language, or that are abusive of other commenters.

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*   I know many value their online privacy. I respect that. But hope you respect my wish to see who’s commenting on my blog: and my wish for you to introduce your self to me, and to your fellow commentors.

†   Your Facebook, X/Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn profile are acceptable. I also like seeing folks webpages.