
Tuesday 29 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th October, 2019.

29th October, 2019.

Right … I actually had a phone call, yesterday: from the contractors who repair boilers for my landlord.

Well … they rang once: which means I phoned them back, near enough instantly.

It seems they’ve managed to arrange a supervisors visit for Wednesday afternoon.

The first thing I said to myself, when I put the phone down … ?

“At LAST!”


The sooner the thing’s repaired or replaced, the happier I’ll be!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 29th October, 2015, saw Chinese newspapers announce China would be abolishing what?
Q2) The Abolition went into effect in which year?
Q3) 29th October 1945, saw the birth of singer and actress, Melba Moore.   In which film did she play Bessie Cooley?
Q4) 29th October, 1947, saw the birth of actor, Richard Dreyfuss.   He played Roy Neary in which film?
Q5) Finally … ?   29th October is the feast day of Bishop and Martyr, James Hannington.   He’s a martyr according to which church: the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, or the Anglican Communion?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 28th October is International Animation Day.   It marks the first use of the Théâtre Optique: in which city?
A1) Paris.
Q2) Traditional animation involved painting images on transparent sheets: made of what?
A2) Celluloid.
Q3) The Nightmare Before Christmas, Morph and The Trap Door are examples of what: traditional cel animation, computer animation or stop motion animation?
Q4) Daumenkinothumb cinema — is the German word for what sort of simple animation?
A4) A flip book: or flick book, as it’s also called.
Q5) Finally … ?   A person who makes animations is a what?
A5) An animator.
Here’s a thought …
“Sweetheart, I’m the biggest ripped-off cartoonist in the history of the world, and that's all I'm going to say.”
Ralph Bakshi, born October 29, 1938.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I had The Keys of Marinus on in the background, Anne: I think the Voords could’ve done with a bit more work!   Nice heads, shame about the rubber suits.   (Oh, I’ve a couple of vintage TV shows to catch up with: and maybe a sci-film to catch.   But Midsommar, along side The Banana Splits Movie, are on my To View list!)

†        I’m glad one of us has their head screwed on, Olga!   At ANY rate?   The inhaler’s replaced, the boiler inspection’s scheduled for tomorrow … and I think my brain’s where it should be.   Don’t quote me, though!   😂   Oh, today’s quote from animator, Ralph Bakshi.   He’s interesting way out.   (I can’t draw, either: doesn’t stop me being impressed with something like Bakshi’s version of Lord of the Rings!)

‡        Why thank you, Debbi!   😀   I’m just wondering what happened to the phone I had: the panoramic shots it could take were rather good!   (Did I mention I saw The Keys of Marinus, yesterday: it’s good to dig up the classics, occasionally.)


  1. Q1) The one-child policy
    Q2) 2016
    Q3) The Fighting Temptations
    Q4) Close Encounters of the Third Kind
    Q5) the Anglican Communion
    I'm pleased things are looking up. Good luck with everything.

  2. One-child policy,2016,The Fighting Temptations,Close Encounters of the Third Kind,Anglican
    I found that film you posted , however was distracted with few things. What a carry on with Technology Twitter. I wrote email asking them to take down the account giving as much detail as possible as I cant access it. So I guess that's life lol

  3. Classic is awesome. That's what makes it classic. :)

    1. the one-child policy
    2. 2015
    3. The Fighting Temptations
    4. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
    5. the Anglican Communion


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