
Thursday 17 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-10-2019: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

17th October, 2019

Another year, another day, another dollar: ha!

But in all that?

I’m getting my boiler looked at, today.

Much like it’s needed for the past couple of years.

Quite what’s happening … ?

I honestly couldn’t tell you.


Did I mention Extinction Rebellion?

The protest movement is known for it’s direct action: with member glueing themselves to walls, railings, trains and planes across the world.

This morning, however?

Frustrated commuters have pulled an Extinction Rebellion protestor off of a tube train in Canning Town.


I’m sympathetic to Extinction Rebellion’s cause: I think governments should be doing more.

But, having been a commuter who’s had his train delayed, too many times, by people who’ve jumped in front of them?

I’m with those commuters.

However sympathetic I may to your cause?   I vote Green, after all.

However sympathetic I am, don’t stop my trip to work.

I’m likely to be less sympathetic.

Now … 

Have a playlist … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 17th October is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.   The first observance was in Paris: in which year?
Q2) According to the World Bank, and as of 2015, you’re on or under the international poverty line: if you’re earning less than how much, per day: $1·40, $1·90, or $2·40?
Q3) Another way of measuring poverty?   Is to see if we cannot meet our basic … what?
Q4) Those of us in poverty in the UK, can get help from the Trussell Trust: that runs what?
Q5) Finally … ?   According to the UN, how of the Earth’s population are in absolute poverty: 10%, 20% or 30%?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The Bibliotheca Alexandrina opened: on 16th October, 2002.   What IS the Bibliotheca Alexandrina?
A1) A library.
Q2) John Paul 2nd was named as Pope: on 16th October, 1978.   Who was his immediate predecessor, as pope?
A2) John Paul 1st.
Q3) 16th October, 1905, saw British India announce the Partition of Bengal.   The Partition was overseen by Lord Curzon, the then holder of which post: Viceroy, Vice President or Vice Lord of the Admiral?
A3) Viceroy.
Q4) Handguns were banned in the UK, on 16th October, 1996: in the wake of a massacre in Dunblane.   Dunblane is in which country of the UK?
A4) Scotland.
Q5) 16th October, 1869, saw the apparent discovery of the Cardiff Giant: a notorious hoax.   The giant was allegedly found in a village in which US state?
A5) New York.
Here’s a thought …
“In truth, poverty is an anomaly to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell.”
Walter Bagehot.
And a song

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Cheers, Anne, it’s much appreciated: as is subscribing, liking, anything you feel comfy doing!   Oh, by the way, I’m reading through The Hellbound Heart: at quite a rate of knots!

†        That’s a good point, Olga: any ID card, here, would need to be free, or very cheap^!   The one’s we’re told to use are just too expensive.   As for yesterday’s good news … ?   As you can imagine, I’m relieved about the lungs, I really am.   Granted, they want me back next July for another scan.   But given the circumstances, I’m not complaining.   I prefer the monitoring.   All I have to do now … ?   Is try and keep fit … !   (Oh, feel free to share the YouTube videos: every little helps!)

‡        Tell me about it, Debbi!   Oh, have you installed Catalina, out of interest?   Safari’s use of the spellchecker’s a bit … aggressive.   Either that, or my typing’s worse than I thought … !   Any why am I not surprised about the Nat’s game?   (Oh, feel free to share those videos!)

^        I suspect it will be expensive: because of any biometrics involved.   And to help fund tax breaks that help companies fund any ID card readers …


  1. 1987,$1·90, needs, foodbanks,10%
    I imagine The Hell bound Heart is quite graphic and good. I watched that new Chucky film. You know I wasn't sure what to make out of it, however thought imagine putting the chip Amazon Alexa inside a doll, that doll would respond interact

  2. Q1) 1987
    Q2) $1·90
    Q3) needs
    Q4) Food banks
    Q5) 10% (The Wikipedia article is not very clear, but the poll they quote shows around 10% and that’s what I found in other places. How they calculate that though…)
    Today I definitely saw an advert for Grammarly (it can be useful and I’ve recommended it, but I downloaded the version for Word and although initially it seemed to work, later it caused all kinds of problems)…
    Good luck with the boiler (my experience with them is that if you find a good technician, you have to hold onto him or her, although I know that in your case it’s not your choice).
    Oh, if they decide to go ahead with the ID card, that would mean also many new jobs...

  3. Videos of the game? They're no doubt out there! I'll have to look for one with the last play and ensuring on-field celebration. What a game! Whew! :)

    1. 1987
    2. $1.90
    3. personal needs
    4. food banks
    5. 10%


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