
Wednesday 16 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th October, 2019.

16th October, 2019.

It’s officially official: I’v had good news.

On one front … ?

I’ve been approved for monetisation on YouTube.

In other words, I’ve been my Youtube Partner Programme membership’s been approved: and — once my ad revenue hits £60 — I can start earning cash.

Here’s hoping.


In other good news?

I had a CT scan on my lungs this year: in July, if I’m remembering things correctly.

As an earlier one had revealed nodules: the doctor would be concerned: if these had grown in size or number.

I get the results letter, yesterday.

The nodules … haven’t grown.

I am extremely relieved.

As, for the moment, it means I’m free of what could have been lung cancer.

I’m relieved, understandably.

And frankly?

Thanking whatever higher powers are reading this!


Just as one last thing, before I move on to the Teaser?

I don’t know if you were following the Queen’s Speech, recently … ?

I had half an eye on it, I should add.

One policy that caught the attention of many?   Was the Government plans for photographic ID to be required, when we vote.

That’s still not something I could support.


Because, every time the idea is mentioned, the usual forms of ID are mentioned.

A passport or drivers license.

These things cost.

And are — if you’re unemployed, like me — completely unaffordable: the £75 to £85 for an adult UK passport pays for my gas and electricity, to give you and example.

The £43 for a new, provisional drivers license?   Half my shopping for the month.

It’s £20 for a replacement provisional license: something I was only able to purchase with help from the Job Centre.

I needed it to provide photographic ID for a job interview.

Help I suspect the Job Centre wouldn’t give me, or others … if I needed photographic ID to vote.

I know the idea is to help reduce voting fraud … 


The impression I’ve always picked up — over the years — is that a lot of voting fraud centres around postal fraud.   I don’t see photographic ID being helpful, there.

Given all that?

I can’t support this.

But can, at least, sign the petition about it.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The Bibliotheca Alexandrina opened: on 16th October, 2002.   What IS the Bibliotheca Alexandrina?
Q2) John Paul 2nd was named as Pope: on 16th October, 1978.   Who was his immediate predecessor, as pope?
Q3) 16th October, 1905, saw British India announce the Partition of Bengal.   The Partition was overseen by Lord Curzon, the then holder of which post: Viceroy, Vice President or Vice Lord of the Admiral?
Q4) Handguns were banned in the UK, on 16th October, 1996: in the wake of a massacre in Dunblane.   Dunblane is in which country of the UK?
Q5) 16th October, 1869, saw the apparent discovery of the Cardiff Giant: a notorious hoax.   The giant was allegedly found in a village in which US state?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 15th October is the Feast day of Saint Teresa of Ávila.   Ávila is in which country?
A1) Spain.
Q2) In the US, 15th October is a day marking those of us with visual impairments.   In other words, it’s … what day?
A2) White Cane Safety Day.   (It’s also known as Blind Americans Equality Day.)
Q3) 15th October, 2018, saw the death of Paul Allen: co-founder of which technology company?
A3) Microsoft.
Q4) The leader of the USSR stepped down: on 15th October, 1964.   Who was that leader?
Q5) Alfred Dreyfus was arrested for spying: on 15th October, 1894.   He was accused of spying on France: for which country?
A5) Germany.
Here’s a thought …
“Even bad books are books, and therefore sacred.”
Günter Grass, 16 October 1927 – 13 April 2015.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Cheers, Anne^, it’s MUCH appreciated!   The monetisation been approved, so I can start earning!   (Oh, I’ve started on The Hellbound Heart)

†        I think the ads start today, Olga^: although I suspect I may need to do some more tweaking about!   Are we talking about Papillon?   The film’s got a terrific reputation: in contrast to Devil’s Island, itself.   Hell on earth is putting it mildly, from the little I know.   Hell … the tax situation … !   I’m going to have to look at that, and the benefit situation … !   I didn’t know there was a threshold on Amazon: but how … ?   It’s not that surprising.   Either way?   And as I said to Anne … ?   I think I’ve a little more tweaking to do.

‡         Yep: conversional’s the best bet, Debbi^.   Oh, yes!   Cheers for pointing out the code, on yesterday.   That’s what happens when you get the copying wrong.   I’m blaming the mouse …

^        I have adverts!   Adverts … !


  1. library and cultural center,John Paul I,Viceroy,Scotland,New York.
    I clicked on ad this morning, also very pleased your result came through fine. Nothing worse than waiting for test results

  2. Q1) A library in Alexandria (well, the big library to replace the old one… I’ve seen the building from outside and is impressive, although unfortunately last time I was in Alexandria it hadn’t opened yet. One of my best friends, Iman, is from Alexandria, so I’ve visited a few times, although it has been a long while…)
    Q2) John Paul the first
    Q3) Viceroy
    Q4) Scotland
    Q5) New York
    Good news on the test and the YouTube thing. I think I've told you here we have a photographic ID and nobody questions it. It's not very expensive, and I guess it can't be if it must be compulsory, although you can't do anything without having one (have a bank account or do anything...)

  3. I can appreciate that! Technology ... whatta ya gonna do? :)

    1. a library
    2. John Paul I
    3. Viceroy
    4. Scotland
    5. New York

    I missed the Queen's Speech. And the Democratic (potential) candidate's debate they had here. I was watching the Nats win the Division!!! #baseball :)


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