
Friday 15 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-11-2019: Free Danzig

15th November, 2019.

Right … 

It’s official.

I started the morning with Tommy Cooper’s Don’t Jump off the Roof, Dad, banging around my head.


I don’t know: but it’s mildly irritating.

I THINK I’ve managed to replace it with Spike Jone’s Cocktails for Two.

Which could possibly be even worse … 


Another thing to mention … ?

Or not, if you’re trying to avoid politics?

I’ve officially had words with the local Greens: and they’ve managed to get enough money together to pay the deposit that lets their candidate stand in this year’s election.

That’s a good thing.

For starters, it means I can comfortably put up the ‘Vote Green’ posters.

It means I don’t have to take down the campaign fund appeal: the one you’ll see in the sidebar, when you use a desktop browser.

It also means I won’t have to spoil my vote in this election.

Which is what I be doing if the Greens hadn’t stood.

I know there’s arguments that spoiling your vote is a waste of a vote.

Possibly, it is.

I would make a counter argument, there.

Here in the UK, you have various ways of abstaining from a vote … if you’re a local councillor, or member of Parliament.

Beyond either not turning up to vote … 

Or spoiling your vote if you do.


I think whoever wins this year’s election should look at reforming the voting process.

If, for no other reason that to include a None of the Above option.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The Free City of Danzig was founded: on 15th November of which year?
Q2) The City State’s consisted of around two-hundred or so towns and villages: around which port?
Q3) That port?   Is on the coast of which Sea?
Q4) The city was bordered by Poland to the west… and where, to the east?
Q5) The City was set up as part of the Treaty of where?
Q6) Danzig was also under the protection of what: the League of Nations, the United Nations or the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation?
Q7) The city’s creation was in the wake of which war?
Q8) Who wrote the Danzig Trilogy?
Q9) That writer was born in 1927.   Where?
Q10) Finally … ?   Danzig is now in which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 14th November saw the original publication of Moby Dick.   In which year of the 1850s?
A1) 1851.
Q2) Who wrote Moby Dick?
Q3) In the book’s opening line, the narrator introduces himself: by saying “Call me … ” … what?
A3) Ishmael.
Q4) The book’s main character was Captain … who?
A4) Ahab.
Q5) That main character has a false … what?
A5) Leg.
Q6) Moby Dick, itself, is an albino whale.   What species of whale: sperm whale, fin whale or  blue whale?
A6) Sperm whale.
Q7) Moby Dick is set on a whaling ship called the … what?
A7) Pequod.
Q8) That whaling ship is based at which Massachusetts island?
A8) Nantucket.
Q9) Who directed the 1956, film version of Moby Dick?
A9) John Huston.
Q10) Finally … ?   Who’s the only surviving main character of Moby Dick?
A10) Ishmael.
Here’s a thought …
“Real partisans are partisans always and as long as they live.”
From The Tin Drum, part of the Danzig Trilogy.
And an anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I keep meaning to sit down with Moby Dick and Bartleby, Olga: although Moby Dick’s got one hundred and thirty-five chapters.   It’s a bit intimidating!   Mind you, that’s from the man who’s reading the Kalevala‡, at the moment!   It’s … well, it was an influence on Moorcock and Tolkien, I know that.   As for the Ministry?   I’m looking forward to that!

†    Glad to hear the London accent’s coming along, Debbi!   Oh, did you catch Kidulthood?   The language is a bit more current!   Quite what the BBC’s got planned to the 23rd, I don’t know.   I do know the BBC’s got it’s Children in Need marathon on, tonight: there’s something on that, too.

‡        I’ve not got to the relevant chapter: but it strikes me the revenge driven Kullervo may have a lot in common with Ahab.   I’m also thinking his death was an influence on Moorcock’s Elric: both die on their own swords.

1 comment:

  1. Q1) 1920
    Q2) Danzig now Gdańsk
    Q3) The Baltic Sea
    Q4) Germany
    Q5) Versailles
    Q6) the League of Nations
    Q7) World War I
    Q8) Günter Grass
    Q9) In the Free City of Danzig
    Q10) Poland
    I think you are right. Funnily enough, I went to watch Dr Sleep yesterday afternoon and they mention Moby Dick there as well. Oh, I forgot to wish you good luck for the interviews. I hope something comes out of it.


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