
Tuesday 24 December 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 13 — Series Finale Pt 2/Hello Elliot — A review

24th December, 2019.

Yes: it’s Christmas Eve.

And … ?

Frankly, I’m indoors.

Partly thought lack of cash.

Partly through choice.

The enforced merriment of the season can be … 


Mildly depressing, let’s put it that way.

On the up side … ?

On the upside, tomorrow is the big day.

Where we got to find out exactly what Jude thinks of his present … !


Tonight, though … ?

Tonight, as I have a free evening … ?

I have the chance to finally finish watching Mr RobotSeries 4.

We have a finale to finish.


Episode 13 — Series Finale Pt 2/Hello Elliot — opens just after Elliot (Rami Malek) has murdered the alternative Elliot: trying desperately to hide the corpse, before going to his wedding.


Whilst trying to hide the body in the boot of his SUV, Elliot is held up the alternative Agent DiPierro — a police woman in this reality — who not only refuses to accept Elliots ID … but also insists on searching the box … 

And chasing after Elliot, when he escapes to Coney Island.

The island is — in theory — where Elliot’s wedding to Angela (Portia Doubleday) is to take place.

Although the bride to be … seems to have vanished: only to be replaced by Mr Robot (Christian Slater).   Who explains to Elliot that they’re not in Whiterose’s alternative world: but a fantasy world Elliot has created for himself, whilst withdrawing from morphine.

Morphine used on him after the power plant explosion.

An illusion created by another of Elliot’s personalities, called ‘the mastermind.’

Feeling confused … ?   Elliot awakens in Krista (Gloria Reuben)’s office: who explains that the Elliot we’ve seen is as unreal as Mr Robot: and one who’s decided to trap Elliot in his world: so he can act out his rage.

It’s only then the world starts collapsing: and Elliot’s fractured self wakes up in hospital … 

To find that Darlene (Carly Chaikin) is by his bedside: and happy to explain what’s happening.


Now … 

Was this an appropriate finale … ?


I am usually the first person to complaining about an ending that boils down to “It’s Only A Dream!”

But this?

But this is handled very adroitly, with style, with respect for all of the characters arcs … and for Elliot, himself.

Yes, it’s confusing.

Especially if you don ’t understand that the Elliot we’ve seen for the past four years is another of of the real Elliot’s selves.

And that we haven’t seen the real’ Elliot at all.

The only person in the who series who has?   Is Darlene.

Yes … Mr robot’s finale is confusing … 

But yes … 

It’s very emotionally satisfying …
Mr Robot
Series 1 to 4.

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