
Sunday 15 December 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-12-2019: Going Underground

15th December, 2019.

Man in the High Castle *Spoilers*

Yes: it’s official.

I need to get my my Christmas cards finished off.

I’ve managed to send three.

On the cheap, unfortunately, but them’s the breaks!

At least this year?   I’ve got until Friday to post them.


Just as a quick thought … ?

Just as a quick thought, I’ve officially finished watching The Man in the High Castle.

I caught the last episode, last night.

It’s … 

It’s a good series, overall.

About the one flaw?

Was that Amazon could’ve gone for the doomy ending: seeing San Francisco bombed.   Which, let’s face it, had been trailed for two seasons.

Instead … ?

We got a nice ending … that went for deeply ambiguous … 

And very reminiscent of Close Encounters of the Third Kind.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 15th December saw the formal opening of the Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway.   In which year: 1905, 1906 or 1907?
Q2) Who was it formally open by: Winston Churchill, H. H. Asquith or David Lloyd George?
Q3) That dignitary?   Was then president of the what?
Q4) The line moved to public ownership, when: 1931, 1933 or 1935?
Q5) Finally … ?   The Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway was now which line of the underground … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 14th December is the feast day of Saint Spyridon.   He’s traditionally depicted holding a sprig of what: basil, thyme or rocket?
A1) Basil.
Q2) Hugh Gaitskell replaced Clement Attlee, on 14th December, 1955.   As leader of which UK political party?
A2) The Labour Party.
Q3) UN Security Council Resolution 109 was adopted on 14th December, 1955.   Name any one of the countries that join the UN, as a result.
A3) Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Ceylon, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jordan. Laos Libya, Nepal, Portugal, Romania or Spain.
Q4) 14th December, 1935, Saw the birth of actress, Lee Remick.  In which film did she play Stella?
Q5) Finally … ?   14th December, 1969, saw the birth of actress, Natascha McElhone.   Who did she play in The Other Boleyn Girl?
A5) Mary Boleyn.
Here’s a thought …
“Courage doesn’t always roar.   Sometimes courage is the quiet at the end of the day, saying ‘I will try again, tomorrow.’”
Mary Anne Radmacher: quoted at an unground station, here
And a couple of songs …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ll have to try and check that out, Olga: it looks interesting.   And that put’s The Andalucian Dog into perspective!   Hmmm … strange … it can’t be as strange as the last episode of The Prisoner.   (Now, that?   Set a bar for every TV show ever since!)

†        It has to be said, Bangs does look interesting, Debbi: I might have to check him out … once I’ve written the Christmas cards!   And yes: I’m thinking it’s dire … what can I tell you … ?   (Turns out the quote’s from an interview Bangs did with Lou Reed.)


  1. Q1) 1906
    Q2) David Lloyd George
    Q3) President of the Board of Trade
    Q4) 1933
    Q5) The Piccadilly Line
    See what you think. I watched a couple of episodes of the Man in the High Castle but it was another one of those series that caught me as I was trying to get my move organised and haven't caught up on it since. Mind you, it's available here as well, so I just need to find a bit of time.
    I'm off answering phones this evening for one of those big charity events here (in aid of Minority Illnesses this year), so fingers crossed I don't make too many mistakes...
    Good luck with your Christmas cards (I've stopped sending them).

  2. Lester Bangs interviewing Lou Reed. Wish I could've heard that one! Of course, it might be on YouTube for all I know.

    1. 1906
    2. David Lloyd George
    3. Board of Trade
    4. 1933
    5. the Piccadilly Line


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