
Friday 13 March 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-3-2020: Uranus

13th March, 2020.

It’s definite … it’s Friday.

And frankly?

I’m exacting a quiet Friday: as I’d cancelled my weight management class, last week … in the expectation I’d be having a blood test, today.

I’ve had to cancel that: as it’s unneeded.

As I mentioned yesterday — in this post — I’ve finally been diagnosed with diabetes.

Type two.

And been prescribed Metformin for it.


The diarrhoea will die down soon!


Speaking of ill health … ?

I’ve just spotted this piece on the BBC’s news site.

Seemingly, cyber criminals are taking advantage of the Coronavirus outbreak and sending out Corona themed spam.

Keep your eyes peeled!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers:  scoring five out of five in the process.

The day also Olga† looking in to say hello.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 13th March saw the discovery of the planet Uranus.   In which year?
Q2) By which Anglo-Hanoverian scientist?
Q3) That scientist was a noted what: detective, chef or musician?
Q4) Uranus, itself?   Is what: the sixth planet from the sun, seventh planet from the sun or eighth planet from the sun?
Q5) The planet is named after what: a Roman god, Chinese god or Greek god?
Q6) That god of was a god of what: Earth, sea or sky?
Q7) Uranus, the planet, takes roughly how long to orbit the sun: 74 years, 84 years or 94 years?
Q8) Uranus has 27 what?
Q9) Uranus has 13 known rings: which were discovered in which year of the 1970s?
Q10) Finally … ?   Which metal was named after Uranus?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 12th March is World Day Against Cyber … what? Bullying, Censorship or Crime?
Q2) 12th March is also the generally accepted date for what: the Aztec New Year, Chinese New Year or Greek New Year?
Q3) 12th March, 1946, saw the birth of Liza Minelli.   She played Minnie in which 1964 TV series?
A3) Mr Broadway.
Q4) The Australian capital was named: on 12th March, 1913.   What IS Australia’s capital?
A4) Canberra.
Q5) The House of Commons rejected a revised bill by 149 votes: on 12th March, 2019.   A bill to do what: legalise cannabis, leave the EU or set up a Parliamentary Watchdog?
A5) Leave the EU: the bill was the EU Withdrawal Bill.
Here’s a thought …
“A slight sound at evening lifts me up by the ears, and makes life seem inexpressibly serene and grand. It may be in Uranus, or it may be in the shutter.”
Henry David Thoreau.
And a playlist …

You can always ignore the Venga Boys.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ll have to definitely keep an eye peeled, then, Debbi‡.   Mind you … I keeping getting Clive Owen and Dougray Scott mixed up.   (Did you ever see Scott in Enigma?   Fascinating watch.)

†        Fingers crossed … and loo roll purchased, Olga‡!   And I’m hoping so, on the sugar front!   It’s sounds like you have a sticky situation, there!   If memory serves?   I think I saw something go past about Madrid starting a lock-down, as well!

‡        Did I mention the video version of today’s Teaser?   It’s hard to keep a straight face, when you have to say ‘Uranus,’ every few seconds!

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen that one.

    1. 1781
    2. William Herschel
    3. musician
    4. seventh
    5. Greek god
    6. sky
    7. 84 years
    8. moons
    9. 1977
    10. uranium


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