
Saturday 21 March 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st March, 2020.

21st March, 2020.

I’m right, aren’t I … ?

When I say that the world’s having a crisis.

The Covid 19 corona virus is stalking the world, and the world … is panic buying toilet roll.

Near me … ?

We’re getting closures by the hour.


Pubs, bars and restaurants have been closed since last night.

Which means my old industry is rapidly being devastated.

As is the pub quiz scene.

In one sense?   I love — and loved — being a quiz master.

I’m enough of an ageing ham to have enjoyed being a performer … and still do.

You’ve seen the Youtube channel, after all.

But I’m also aware there’s a lot of self employed entertainers — quiz masters, musicians, DJs — as the various government benefits being introduced?

Don’t cover the self employed.

Here’s hoping something crops up.


Remember me mentioning that I got a laptop for my birthday?

It’s a quite respectable, refurbished Lenovo Thinkpad.

I’d asked for it, as I’m jobhunting, at the mo.

And, in theory?

Could use it to job-hunt online, from Brentwood Library: and be able to get some exercise, at the same time.

Except … ?

Except that the entire Essex Library system is now shut down, due to the virus.

Granted, there’s an amnesty on late returns … 

But … ?

It looks like I’m going to be stuck indoors … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 21st March is World Down Syndrome Day.   The condition is caused by an extra what: chromosome, gene or protein?
Q2) 21st March is International Colour Day.   How do you spell the word, colour: in Australian English?
Q3) 21st March is ALSO the International Day of Forest.   What’s the name of the large tropical forest in South America?
Q4) World Poetry Day is marked on 21st March.   Who’s the UK’s current Poet Laureate?
Q5) Finally … ?   21st March is also the International Day for The Elimination of what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 20th March, 43BC, saw the birth of Publius Ovidius Naso: better known as which Roman poet?
A1) Ovid.
Q2) 20th March, 2020, is an Equinox.   In the northern hemisphere, the day is what: a vernal equinox or an autumnal equinox?
A2) A vernal equinox.
Q3) 20th March is World Storytelling Day.   It celebrates what form of storytelling: oral or written?
A3) Oral.
Q4) 20th March, 1979 saw the birth of actress, Freema Agyeman.   She plays Amanita in which Netflix series?   (If I remember the extras on the Blu-ray, Frema’s surname’s pronounced ar JEE mon.   My apologies go to her, if I’ve got it wrong!)
A4) Sense8.
Q5) Finally?   Director, Spike Lee, was born on 20th March, 1957.   In which of his own films does he play Mookies?
Here’s a thought …
“It looks like I will be playing Ronnie O’Sullivan, but on that performance all day today I wish I was playing Gilbert O’Sullivan!”
Snooker player, Mark Williams, born 21 March 1975.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m trying my damndest, Debbi!   Life’s looking rough, at the mo!   Oh, and the library’s shut.  Shut!


  1. Q1) Chromosome
    Q2) colour
    Q3) The Amazon rainforest
    Q4) Simon Armitage
    Q5) Racial discrimination
    We've been stuck at home for a week now, more than 20000 cases here and over 1100 dead, and everything (other than food shops) is closed, so...

  2. You know what you should do? Get on Patreon! Gather your most passionate trivia fans there.

    You can do this. Really!

    1. chromosome
    2. colour
    3. the Amazon rainforest
    4. Simon Armitage
    5. Racial Discrimination

    I should do a YouTube tutorial on that process. Would you be interested?


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