
Sunday 29 March 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th March, 2020.

29th March, 2020.

Yep: it’s day whatever of the Lockdown … and frankly … ?

I’m getting sick of hearing about it!

I know it’s a serious situation, I really do.   I know why we’re having to stay in.

But, lord, isn’t it a grind?


As grouchy as I sound, though?

I do know I’ve a poster up: for a local volunteer group that’s been organised on Facebook, and called  Brentwood COVID-19 Mutual Aid.

There’s a WhatsApp group for each of Brentwood’s wards.

If you’re in my town, and on Facebook, it may be worth joining up: especially as the WhatsApp groups look helpful.

I’ll leave that with you, shall I … ?


And, as a final thought?

You’ve heard the word, ‘earworm,’ haven’t you?   The word refers to one of those songs that — for whatever reason — is persistently banging around your head.

Right at the moment?

I’ve got the Russian entry for this year’s cancelled Eurovision in my head.

It’s a big shame the thing got cancelled: I suspect Little Big’s Uno would’ve won.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 29th March, 1968, saw the birth of actress, Lucy Lawless.   In which series did she play Number Three?
Q2) 29th March, 1972, saw the birth of the UK’s current Home Secretary: a Home Secretary currently facing bullying allegations.   Who is she?
Q3) NASA’s Mariner 10 probe flew by where, on 29th March, 1974: Venus or Mercury?
Q4) 29th March, 1971, saw Lieutenant William Calley found guilty of murder at a court martial: after his involvement with the My Lai Massacre.   The Massacre took place during which war?
Q5) Finally … ?   The Dow Jones Index closed above 1000 points: on 29th March, 1999.   During the economic boom known as the … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Today’s the 28th of March.   Twenty-eight is atomic mass of which chemical element?
A1) Silicon.   (Although, strictly?   It’s 28.085 … )
Q2) Twenty-eight is atomic number of which chemical element?
A2) Nickel.
Q3) Traditionally?   It takes what, twenty-eight days to cure: cheddar, concrete or oak?
A3) Concrete.
Q4) 28BC saw the Emperor of Rome start a census of the Empire.   Which Emperor: Augustus, Tiberius or Caligula?
A4) Augustus.
Q5) Twenty-eight is a what shaped number: square, circular or triangular?
Q6) Twenty-eight is a card game from where: Niger, Bangladesh or India?
A6) India.
Q7) What’s 28 … in Roman Numerals?
A7) xxviii.
Q8) There are twenty-eight Hebrew letters in the first verse of the Bible.   That verse is in which book of the Bible?
A8) Genesis.   You can find the text of the King James Version, here.
Q9) What was the twenty-eighth state to join the USA?
A9) I’ve mentioned it already: Texas.
Q10) Finally … ?  28000 to 28999 are the postcodes for the part of Spain surrounding which city?
A10) Madrid.
Here’s a thought …
“If one was told that monkeys had built it, one could only say, ‘What wonderful monkeys: they must be shot in case they do it again.’”
Sir Edwin Lutyens, 29 March 1869 – 1 January 1944.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        ¡BLAST!   Guess what I forgot, Olga?   I’m going to have to see what’s available nearby.   Oh, boy, you’re missing a thing or two: the Teaser’s proving interesting.   But it’s nice to know the course is going well … !   It sounds odd to me that you’d want headphones — or, at least, at headphone and mic combination — for the video aspect of it.   I’ve found the built in mic and speaker work well enough for me!   Oh, well, different strokes and all that!   (I’m thankful I don’t get the echo some YouTubers get.   But I figured out, long ago: when recording, turning down the volume avoids feedback and echo.)

†        Everyone’s different, Trevor.   But I think a (cheap) smartphone could be handy: especially seeing that WhatsApp group in action.   The Android Nectar point app’s useful, as well: in normal circumstances that does special offers!

‡        That it is, Debbi!   So many jobs that appeal are so far away, though!   Oy!   And I know what you mean about typing.   Did I mention the laptop I got?   The keyboard on that’s, weird!


  1. A1 Battlestar Galactica (BSG)

    A2 Priti Sushil Patel

    A3 Mercury

    A4 Vietnam War

    A5 Bubble

  2. Q1) Battlestar Galactica
    Q2) Priti Patel
    Q3) Mercury
    Q4) The Vietnam War
    Q5) Bubble
    The mike and headphones on the laptop (mine is eight years old already, though) seems to work reasonably well, but you must remember that I live with my mother (and she'll have to be quiet somewhere, as she's locked here as well for up to two hours and a half at the time), and we live in an apartment building full of neighbours as well, so background noise is quite a possibility (and there will be a lot of people connecting at the same time. We're not making a video, we're connecting live). By the way, Zoom works quite well for that, and you can record it as well, so it's an option for recording videos, even if there's nobody else there (it allows you to share the screen as well, and several screens and move from one to another, add a virtual background or video...). I wondered if you've ever tried to use it.
    Stay well.

  3. Weird keyboard? Hmm ... weird how?

    1. Battlestar Galactica
    2. Priti Patel
    3. Mercury
    4. the Vietnam War
    5. bubble


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