
Wednesday 27 May 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th May, 2020

27th May, 2020.

Yes: it works … !

The potato masher worked … !

I had the thing delivered, yesterday: along side a blu-ray box set.

And managed to use it, last night.

Mashed spuds, with garlic?

And sausages?

Assorted mixed vegetables?

I’ll go for that.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring ten out of ten, and Debbi on Nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 27th May, 1153, saw Malcolm 4th named as king of Scotland.   He Was known as Malcolm the what: Malcolm, Mint or Maiden?
Q2) King John was crowned: on 27th May, 1199.   How many English kings have been called John?
Q3) 27th May, 2018, saw flooding hit the Patapsco Valley.   The Valley is in which US state?
Q4) 27th May is the feast of Saint Bruno of Würzburg.   The city of Würzburg is now in which modern European state: Germany, Austria or the Czech Republic?
Q5) Finally … ?   27th May, 1935, saw the birth of actress, Lee Meriweather.   Who did she play in the 1960s series, Batman?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 26th May saw the birth of the late Peter Cushing.   In which year?
A1) 1913.
Q2) In which county of England?
A2) Surrey.
Q3) He made his movie debut in a 1939 version of what?
Q4) He appeared in many horror films.   Horror films made by which H?
A4) Hammer Film Productions: usually just called Hammer.   (One of a handful of film studios you can sing about … )
Q5) He played Baron Victor Frankenstein in the 1957 film, The Curse of Frankenstein.   Who played Frankenstein’s monster in The Curse of Frankenstein?
A5) Cushing’s Dracula sparring partner, Christopher Lee.
Q6) Cushing worked for the same studio the following year.   In the 1958 version of Dracula.   Who did he play: Count Dracula, Dr Van Helsing or Jonathan Harker?
A6) Dr Van Helsing.
Q7) 1951 saw Peter appearing in a play called Eden End, on the BBC.   Who wrote Eden End?
Q8) 1958 saw Peter appear in the BBC’s version of 1984.   Who did he play?
A8) Winston Smith.   (Questions were asked in the House of Commons.)
Q9) Peter play Grand Moff Tarkin: in which film?
A9) Star Wars
.   (Famously, Peter found the boots so uncomfortable, he insisted he be shot from the waist up … so he could wear slippers.)
Q10) Finally … ?   Who did Peter play in Dr Who and the Daleks?
A10) A version of the Doctor called Dr Who.
Here’s a thought …
“I’ve been working steadily for more years than I care to count.”
Lee Meriweather, 27th May, 1935.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s odd, Olgaª, definitely.   Usually, in LibreOffice, I’d make a list, highlight it, and hit the Numbered List button: as I recall, it’s the same basic process in Word, Pages and OpenOffice.   It seems odd that Google Docs have missed that.   I’d assume the same thing: it’s something they’re working on … which doesn’t help, right now‡!   I’ve not tried it in the cloud version of Pages, but the few times I’ve printed from iCloud?   It’s worked well.   As for the donation button … ?   It usually works well: the few times it’s been used.   I tend not to rely on it, though.   I’m hoping to be able to remonetise the YouTube Channel, though: the Penny Dreadful reviews are building the numbers.   So, something like a PayPal button is just one earner amongst many.   How well Patreon would do along side all this?   I’m not sure: I think Debbi’s the one to talk to, there: I believe she has a Patreon page to go with her videos and Crime Cafe Podcast.   As for online stuff for the unemployed?   It’s something I still have to chase up.   But, as a thought?   The Job Centre’s old office used to be around the corner from me: it had computers we could use to job hunt.   They moved up to the Council offices, last year: and hadn’t set up computers for us clients, by the time lockdown started.   That’s … awkward … !   (Essex County Council have just phoned, after I’ve asked what schools in the area were doing.   It seems I have to make a Freedom of Information request.)

†        Irresistible’s the word, alright, Debbiª!   I know I managed to posts some photos of lilac to Instagram on the Day: it’s from Night Watch^, which was set on the 25th May.   And, yeah, 60 questions.   Those were the live quizzes I’d do at a pub: they take about two to three hours per gig.   If I’d timed everything correctly?   The winners would (hopefully) win prizes by the time the Last Orders bell had rung, and they’d be spending that money in the pub … (Actually, Debbi: Cushing wasn’t in Rogue One: it’s a motion captured, CGI effect … !)

‡        I have just tried making a numbered list in Google Docs, Olga: it seemed to work OK …

^        Truth, Justice, and a hard boiled egg!

ª        Strictly speaking?   The character in the two Dr Who movies is Dr Who.   The character in the series is the Doctor.   Apart from the one time he gets called Dr Who, in The War Machines.   Continuity, hey … ?


  1. Q1) The Maiden
    Q2) One
    Q3) Maryland
    Q4) Germany
    Q5) It seems she was the Catwoman in the film, but in the series it was Julie Newmar (Seasons 1 and 2). (And Eartha Kitt in Season 3)
    I'll have to give it a go, although now that I've checked I was wrong. It wasn't a numbered list. The problem I had was trying to number the lines in a text, so that students could give a reference of a line when discussing a reading and answering a question (say where they had found the information). Google docs doesn't allow for it, and the Apps in existence add the line numbers, but when you try to print them, the numbers don't appear.
    I loved yesterday's episode of el Ministerio but will keep my mouth shut. Thanks for the info on the Paypal button and good luck with the YouTube channel. I might chat to Debbi once I have a firmer plan. Too many things going on in my head at the moment. I have to come up with a clear strategy.
    Keep mashing!

  2. Your live quizzes never started on time and often finished well after the last orders bell.

    Talking about mashers i have 2 and much prefer to use the metal one. It helps when i do a multiple root vegetable mash.

    A1 The Maiden

    A2 Just the One.

    A3 Maryland

    A4 Germany

    A5 In the TV series she played Lisa Carson . In the 1966 film she played Catwoman.

  3. Wow! I thought it was wrong to call him Dr. Who. Figures, huh? Yeah, continuity ... sure. :)

    1. Maiden
    2. one
    3. Maryland
    4. Germany
    5. Catwoman

    Right now, Space X is getting ready to launch people into space!

    I have it going on YouTube! Wow! :)


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